Chapter 35

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Disclaimer: I own NOTHING. All rights and properties go to their respective owners.

Manus P.O.V

I landed on the deck of the ship. "Look what I got!" I said pointing at the cape on my back.

"Isn't that...GARP'S CAPE?!?" Crocodile yelled.

Everyone jumped back in surprise.

"Yeah. I won it from him in a bet." I said. I then looked at Goldenweek. "Can you invert the colors? You know black becomes white, white becomes black, red becomes blue, and gold becomes silver?"

She nodded in affirmation.

"And rewrite the kanji to say TRUE JUSTICE."

She nodded and got to work. I looked at Lucci. "Please tell me you got a log pose."

He nodded. "It's been linked from reverse mountain all the way to Water 7."

I nodded. I looked at Ohm. "Are we on course?"

He nodded. "We'll have a clear path for about an hour before we run into a mini-tornado and a group of Sea kings. Not much if you ask me."

I nodded. "Usual grand line weather. Alright people get acquainted with the new ship. Any idea for a name?"

Mr. 2 spun dramatically. "How about Okama land 2.0!"

"No. I think the giraffe's roar is good." Kaku said with a grin.

"Hell no! Wolf's growl!" Jabra yelled.

I laughed as the crew began to argue over a name for the ship.

"I know." I said. "The red clover. The ship's insignia is a clover and the hull is painted red. It fits doesn't it?"

Everyone nodded in agreement at the new name.

"Then in that case. From here on out we are the red clovers." I said. "Please tell me someone put a tracker on the straw hats ship."

Fukuro shot up. "I did it! Cha-pa-pa."

I smiled. "Good work Fukuro. I'm gonna head below deck to see what Iceburg attached to the ship. Does anyone have cooking experience?"

Blueno stood up. "I ran a bar for a few years. I'll be the cook."

Kaku stood up as well. "I'll see what iceberg installed along with the Coup de burst. If I remember correctly it was one of Franky's inventions."

Mr. 5 stood up. "I'll inspect the weapons and see what we got."

The rest of the baroque works agents followed him. Everyone dispersed around the ship to do various chores and find a job to do.

I looked at Lucci and Crocodile and gestured for them to follow me. We entered the captain's quarters and I sat down at the table and gestured for them both to sit.

"The straw hats are about to encounter Gecko Moria on his ship thriller bark." I said simply.

Crocodile growled. "That bastard."

Lucci snarled. I wonder what his connection is with Moria.

"That's not all. Kuma's there as well." I said.

The other two just paled at that.

"They will need our help." Lucci said.

"But straw hat is too prideful to ask for our help." Crocodile added.

"We will help them anyway." I said. "They won't like it. But it will keep them alive. And really that's all that matters."

The other commanders nodded.

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