Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I own NOTHING. All rights and properties belong to their respective owners.

Manus P.O.V

As I observed my new power I realized that everything around me turned grey. 

The water seemed to go still. 

Everyone was frozen in place. 

I then looked around me and saw god in his old man form.

"Greetings, my lord." I said as I bowed.

"I see Manus gave you his power did he?" God said with a sigh.

"He did indeed." I said.

"What do you intend to do with this power?" He asked me.

"I am a crusader. I will do what is right." I said.

"Good. I do not see deceit within you. It will be a long time until our next talk. Until then my champion." He said as he vanished into light and time resumed.

Then my mind was flooded with knowledge and Manus's memories. His pain. His joy. Everything.

But most importantly:

Time. And abyssal manipulation.

I now know how to rip open time itself. And with this my goals in Oolacile are fulfilled. I looked at Dusk who was crying in shame. I walked to her and looked her in the eyes.

"Do not let your parents mistakes define you child." I said. "You can become far better than they ever will be." I said gesturing at the struggling king and queen. "Manus had the gift of telepathy and kept tabs on everyone in Oolacile. He left you a message. Be you. Not what anyone wants you to be." I then got up and held out my hand.

She took it and we began the long trek back to Anor Londo.

A few days later at the trial

I saw Gwyn, All-father Lloyd, and Velka on three thrones in the court room. Smough was at Velka's side with his hand on his hammer. Faraam was at Gwyn's. And I was at Lloyd's.

Gwyn stood. "We are gathered here to pass judgement on the traitorous rulers of Oolacile. Not only did they turn on me, they unearthed the primevil man, Manus from his grave. They had the audacity to torment their ancestor to near death! They harmed the progenitor of mankind! My old friend! And one of the four lords! I sent Artorias and Ciaran to investigate and they came back in full. With the news of this betrayal what shall we do? Death is too lenient. They must suffer! WHO AGREES?!?"

The assembled crowd cheered.

"Shall we burn them in the first flame? NO! Shall we turn them undead? NO! We shall give them a life of pure pain and torment!" Gwyn said.

The crowd cheered as Nito himself entered. The king and Queen of Oolacile tried to run but I intercepted them and slammed them to the ground. "You don't get off that easy." I said as I restrained them.

"The queen first." Nito said. I threw her towards him and watched as he touched her forehead and she began to...liquefy? And she turned into a pile of sludge. That was able to move. OH GOD IT'S ONE OF THOSE THINGS FROM THE CATHEDRAL OF THE DEEP! COME ON MAN!

Nito then beckoned for the king. I threw him to Nito's feet. As Nito grabbed the king he looked him in the eye.

"You made my brother suffer. And now you are going to suffer tenfold." Nito said as he began to...oh god. OH GOD!! He began to literally suck everything out of the king's body. And I mean EVERYTHING. His blood, bones, organs, soul. He's sucking it all. Then put it all back in his body. How did he do that? He then took the king with him and left as the king shouted for mercy. "Did you give my brother mercy? No. And now you shall suffer for it. This is your retribution." 

He left the room and I walked over too the pile of sludge that is the queen and lit my sword aflame. I touched her with the blackflame and she was consumed by it. Fitting that she died to the power she sought.

"WELL THEN! With that concluded have a good day everyone!" Gwyn said as he dismissed the audience.

As I walked out the door I saw Whitley motioning for me to go over to him. I walked over and we made it out of the flood of people exiting the courtroom. I then saw Whitley...walk through a wall? Since when could he do that? I then saw his hand poke out and motioned for me to follow him into the wall. And I did. I entered a room with Faraam, Havel, Ornstein, and Quelaag sitting at a round table with an empty seat for me. I then noticed Priscilla in the corner hidng from Havel. I was then perplexed by Quelaag's presence then realized Faraam probably brought her.

That's probably a good thing anyway. Now we have someone who can change Izalith's fate. Can't believe I forgot about that.

"This place has spells protecting it right?" I asked Whitley.

He nodded and I turned to the assembled group.

"Now then if you are all gathered here than that means you know what is to come?" I asked.

Everyone nodded.

"You accept the responsibility that comes with this endeavor as well?"

They nodded again.

"Good. Now then, we must begin." I said as I sat down in the chair with Whitley at my side. "The first order of business is Seath. We can't go charging in headfirst." I said.

"Why? He has to pay!" Havel said.

"And he will." I assured. "But we must be careful. If we make even one misstep Gwyn will find our treachery. And he will bring his might down upon us. We will not survive his fury and the world will be doomed. Also Ornstein can you stop looking at Priscilla? You are scaring her."

"Apologies." Ornstein said as he turned to look at me.

"Thank you." Priscilla said.

"Anyway...where do we start?" Quelaag asked.

"Say we all deploy in different areas. But some will require help. I have recently been thinking of taking on three more apprentices." I said.

Whitley looked at me questioningly. "And who would they be master?"

"One is a boy named Jaune Arc. He is of a long line of warriors. His ancestors are regarded as heroes but he has a desire to be more." I explained. "I think he would be of great use to you Ornstein." I then pointed at Ornstein.

"Who is the next one?" Havel asked.

"There is an assassin and his son living in a mountain. The boy's name is Mercury black. He has been molded by his father to become an assassin. Through...less than civil means." I explained. "He would probably help you the most Havel considering his circumstances he would love to kill Seath." Havel nodded with that.

"And the last one?" Quelaag asked.

"There is a boy with bull horns who hates humans. He has power but he lacks control. I believe he would be of great use to you Quelaag. He may find acceptance in Izalith." I said.

Whitley looked at me. "Master you can't be serious-"

"But I am apprentice." I said looking Whitley dead in eyes. 

"I am suggesting Adam Taurus."

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