Chapter 21

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Disclaimer: I own NOTHING. All rights and properties go to their respective owners.

Manus P.O.V

2 days later

I landed in front of an abandoned prison and walked in. I saw that Adam, Quelaan, Mercury, and Whitley had set-up shop here with others that they have turned to the cause.

"Where are Cinder and Emerald?" I asked Mercury.

"Cinder attempted to kill me. I did what I had to." He said as he polished his halberd.

"And Emerald?"

"Attempted to avenge her master. Brave but foolish."  Adam said as he put down a gun he was assembling.

"A pity. I had high hopes for them." I said. "What of the maiden powers?" 

"They probably went to the next maiden considering Amber is dead." Mercury said.

"Let us hope this one lays low. I would rather not have Salem gain more power." I sighed as I walked to a cooler and got out a drink. "Adam do you have new intel on the Lieutenant?" I asked.

"Yes. He is at the Forever Fall base. I plan to head there tomorrow to challenge him to a duel." Adam said. 

"To the death?" Quelaan asked as she looked up from her book.

"I will try not to. He is the only one in the white fang I respect. But if he will not submit I will do what I must." Adam responded.

"Lesson #2. No unnecessary kills." I said.

"If I remember correctly that was the lesson he struggled with the most." Whitley said as he walked over.

I laughed. "How many times did you lose to me whenever you failed to learn that lesson?"

"HE DID WHAT?!?" Quelaan asked before erupting in laughter.

"He lost outright." I said with a grin.

"That was years ago! I've changed!" Adam yelled at me in embarrassment now that the secret was out.

"In skill or temper?" I said before the others started to laugh as well. 

"By the way Whitley what happened to Roman? I noticed he isn't here." I asked.

"He and Neo decided to lie low and think things over. With Cinder gone they needed time to think things over." He said.

"I see. Let us hope they are not found." I said.

"Indeed." Whitley said. "I'm gonna head to junior's anyone wanna come?" Whitley asked.

"I'm in. I need a drink after all that I've done. Let me go change. and I'll be ready to head out." Mercury said as he left the room.

"Same. Be back in a minute." I said as I went to a different floor of the building to change.

As I changed into my Vergil set I heard an explosion go off below and the sounds of gunfire. I summoned by blade to my hand and ran back down and saw that the Lieutenant had struck first. The white fang were engaged with the turncoats in a firefight. I drew ace and immediately began to fire at the invaders.

"KILL THE HUMAN!" One of them yelled and they began to fire at me. I drew my blade and began to deflect the shots.

I ran at the white fang soldiers and began to tear through them at breakneck speed. Hacking away left and right. Feeling my blade tearing through their flesh was a great feeling.

I feel like I'm falling to Shura!

Wait a minute.


My eyes widened.


But I'll deal with that later.

For now I have more important things to do.

I continued to hack away at the White fang until they were all dead and deactivated my aura.

Wait a minute...

Where is the Lieutenant?

A blade then went through my chest.

"Oh." I said as I realized it was the lieutenants blade and it began to rev up.

I wasn't gonna deal with that so I just snapped my neck instead.






Back at the archives

I respawned at my personal bonfire in my study and sighed. I opened a portal to where I just died.

I walked through the portal and saw that the lieutenant had taken Quelaan hostage.

Bad move on his part.

She then grabbed his face and began to melt him.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed as his face turned to goo.

What? Did you think she was defenseless? She is a fucking chaos witch.

I walked over to the now puddle of a lieutenant.

"Foolishness." I said as I evaporated the puddle.


I looked at Whitley "How many did we lose?" I asked.

"About 20." He responded.

"Damn. ' I then had an epiphany. "Get them acquainted with the archives. I just had an idea." I said as he nodded and went into the portal.

As the last people and supplies went through the portal I closed the portal and left the building.

30 minutes later at Junior's bar

I knocked on the door to the club and some bouncers opened the door for me.

"You're not on the list." One of them said.

"And your boss is gonna want to hear the offer I've got for him." I responded as I clicked open my blade. "This can go the easy way or the hard way. It's up too you."

The bouncers looked at each other. "Wait here." One of them said as he went over to Junior whispered something then pointed at me.

Junior nodded and walked over to me. "What's the deal?" He asked.

"I am offering you a chance to get total immunity from the law." I said.

Junior cocked an eyebrow. "What's the catch?" He asked.

"You and your people relocate to my fortress. It has a crystal cave you can mine from and sell from. I don't care if you use it or not." I said. "You would be a fool not to take this deal."

"Where is this 'Fortress' of yours?" Junior asked.

I opened a portal. "See for yourself." I said.

Junior poked his head through then came back. "I'll get my people started on packing now." He said.

"I can wait." I said as I moved to a table.

All according to plan.

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