Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I own NOTHING. All rights and properties go to their respective owners. 

Manus P.O.V

2 months later

I pulled up to the light of Schnee manor. A beautiful place. Built on horror. That horror is going to be destroyed. The first step? Taking on an apprentice. A very powerful apprentice.


Level 100

Points to spend: 0

HP- <1700>

Aura- <1,000,000>

STR- <900>

END- <900>

ATN- <900>

DEX- <900>

INT- <800>

FTH- <800>


I need to get in. I stowed my bike in my inventory and jumped into a nearby tree. I surveyed the grounds. The front door has two guards outside. The roof has 4 snipers. The front gate has two guard towers. Each manned with one person. And one more at the base of each. I can't see who's in the interior from here. Gonna have to interrogate one of the guards for that info. Two side gates with the same amount of security as the front. The wall has barbed wire. The garden is being patrolled by at least 10 guards. But the servant area door. That is open. I can get in from there. But how? I need to distract the snipers. I then thought of something. How hard can I throw a rock?

I dropped down and picked up four rocks. The got into the tree again. I would need to nail a sniper then move to a new tree. I aimed my hand. Lining up with one of the sniper's heads. And let it rip. One of them fell. Good. I moved to get a new tree and threw a second rock. A second sniper fell. Then a third. 

I then hopped from the tree onto the grounds. I crouched down and sprinted as fast as I could to a wall and jumped with the help of my aura. I landed behind the last sniper. He turned around and drew his pistol on me. But he didn't move fast enough. I dashed to him and kicked the gun out of his hand. Grabbing him by the shirt I held him over the edge.

"How many guards are in the manor?" I asked. "Failure to comply will make me drop you."

"50." The guy said.

"What areas require keys?" I asked.

"Security room and the private quarters." He answered hurriedly.

Good. I knocked him out and threw him back onto the roof. I checked their bodies and found a keycard. That will help.

I then dropped down to the servant quarters. I entered. Surprisingly there was no one. I moved to the main hall and saw 10 guards. I got the last rock I had out of my pocket and threw it into the main window above the door.

The glass shattered and the morons moved to check the door.  I activated my aura and moved as fast as I could to get up the stairs. Then I saw just who I needed.


I jumped into a vent and followed him. He then went into the empty kitchen. Perfect.

I dropped out of the vent and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped and nearly screamed. I covered his mouth quick enough though.

"Where is Whitley?" I asked. "If you don't talk I will shove a roller so far up your ass it will come out of your mouth understood?"

As I uncovered his mouth he asked a question? "What do you want?"

I looked him in the eyes.

"To save that boy from this living hell."

He smiled.

"Good. He is in his father's study. But I heard a scream earlier. He might be in danger." He said.

"Where is the study?" I asked.

"I was leaving it earlier. It's down the main hallway."

"Big and ominous one with a blue carpet and glyph decorations on it?" I sighed.

"Yep." Klein said.

"Thank you. Listen I know you are one of the few good people here so you need to leave. Head to Vale. Or get in contact with Winter and find refuge. This place isn't safe." I said as I let him go.

He got up nodded and left. I hopped back in the vent and moved to the main hallway and kept moving. 

Until I heard a scream. 

I sprinted as fast as I could and kicked down the door of the study. I saw a bleeding and bruised Whitley with Jacques standing over him with a broken bottle in his hand.

I charged Jacques and punched him in the face making him drop the bottle. I then grabbed the fuckers face slamming it into his desk. I pulled him up and chopped him in the throat. Then I threw him into a bookcase causing it to fall on him.

But then I looked at Whitley. The poor boy was crying. I walked over to him and dropped to my knees.

"Are you afraid child?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Do you want to leave this place?" I asked.

He nodded again.

"Would you like to become stronger than your sisters?" I asked.

He nodded again.

"Would you like to be my apprentice?" I asked.

He nodded again.

"Would you like a weapon?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Would you like a scythe and pistol hybrid?"

He nodded again.

I opened the shop and saw the perfect fit.

I opened the shop and saw the perfect fit

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"Is this good?" I asked.

He grabbed it.

"Shop." I said. "Dimensional ticket for 2 please. Destination Dark souls. Time is Post Filianore's slumber but Pre Nameless King rebellion." And the ticket appeared in my hand.

I looked at Whitley. "What I'm holding is a ticket to a different dimension. This dimension holds the secret of immortality. Would you like to go there?"

He nodded.

"I need to hear you say it."


I smiled. "Good." I looked at a terrified Jaques. "The next time you see your son he will be far stronger than any Schnee before him. He will attain the power you sought to deny him. And I have a feeling he will want to kill you when you meet again."

 I then walked up to Whitley put my hand on his shoulder and crushed the ticket. We were surrounded by a white glow and disappeared.

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