4. Captured. Again.

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-Hermione's perspective-

I wake up to the sound of the cell door opening. 

It has been two days since Bellatrix tortured my parents, and for those two days, I haven't seen nor heard anyone. I believe she was looking for shell cottage as it isn't the easiest place to find, and the sound of the cell door opening makes my stomach drop and dread fill my entire body. 

Has she found them or is she coming back to torture a better description of Shell Cottage out of me?

I slowly sit up and when I do, two familiar people are being thrown at me. I shriek as the two of them crash into me then groan in pain as I sit up, rubbing my head. "Harry? Ron?" I ask, turning around to look at the two boys who had crashed into me a moment ago.

They both seem to be unconscious with a terrified look on both of their faces.

I turn my head to look at the smirking madwoman that we're all stuck with. "A-are t-they-"
"Dead?" She asks, interrupting me. "No. Not yet anyways."
I swallow and nod, too frightened to say another word.

"Awww, is the little mudblood afraid?" She mocks as she walks closer, her hips swaying from side to side.

I swallow and try to back up, but dreadfully, I'm already against the wall, and my leg pains me too much to move any further.

She leans down and takes my face in her hand, her sharp fingernails digging into my skin, causing me to whimper. "I asked you a question, mudblood, and I expect you to answer me."
"Y-ye-es..." I whisper.

"That was awfully quiet darling. Try again."

"Y-yes..." I say a bit louder.

"Once more."
"Yes, Bellatrix! I'm afraid! Is that what you want to hear?!" I snap, my stomach dropping as soon as I realize I had yelled at the woman.

It stays silent for a second before her lips curve into that all too familiar smirk that I have grown to hate. "Perfect muddy." She says in her insane tone of voice. "You should be." She spits in my face then lets go of me, turning and walking away, the cell door slamming loudly.

I cringe and wipe the spit off my face quickly. 


There's a groan from behind me and I turn around to see Harry and Ron waking up.

"Good morning sleepy heads." I mumble miserably.

They both look at me, their eyes wide. "YOU TOLD HER?!" They both shriek at me.

I flinch. "She tortured my parents."
"SO?!" Harry shrieks.

"I couldn't let them die!"
"Yes you could!"

"No I couldn't!!"
"My parents died for me willingly! Your parents don't even know you!"
"They're my parents, whether they know me or not!" 

"Are you mental?!"
"We could all die because of you! Not only us three, but the entire wizarding world!"
"You do realize that we nearly die every single year and so far, we've been fine?! Plus, the entire wizarding world doesn't depend on a stupid airhead like you."
His eyes widen and my stomach churns in guilt. "Oh, bug off! We're here without wands, we always have our wands!" 

"We were quite literally in this near exact situation a couple days ago."

"That was different!"
"Oh really? And how so?!"
"They didn't know it was me!"
"Yes, they did! They all saw the scar! They nearly called him." Somehow saying 'Voldemort' while being in the cell of the house that hosts him, and being tortured by his most loyal seems extremely wrong, so I simply emphasize his pronoun. 
He pauses, not knowing what to say, so I continue. 
"You left me here for dead!"
"We were going to rescue you!"
"Oh really?" I scoff softly. "When?
Another pause. "I don't know, but we would've! You didn't have to disclose our location!"
"They would have gotten it out of me one way or another! Do you realize that Bellatrix can read minds?! It's a miracle I kept the place out of my mind for so long!
"Then you could've held it in longer, you didn't have to tell her!"

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