20. Away

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Waking up, the first sensation I feel is my clit which is slightly sore. It's not as bad as the first time the two of us had sex, but it's still throbbing a little.

The second thing I realize is that Bellatrix isn't next to me, as well as there's the sound of water coming from the bathroom. Taking a risk, I stand up and walk to the bathroom, opening the door quietly, closing it, and then walking over to where Bella is.

Her eyes are closed, her hands are massaging what seems to be shampoo, into her hair, and her head is tilted up slightly, water falling all over her naked body. Wow, how on earth did I get so lucky?

I stand there for a minute, smiling at the woman I'm lucky enough to call my girlfriend, before I quietly walk into the shower, wrapping my arms around her waist.

Bella flinches lightly and I can tell that she's going to attack so I quickly step back.
"It's ok, it's just me."
"Oh." She turns around and smiles sweetly at me. "Sorry Mione."

"It's ok, are you alright though?"
"Yeah of course, why?"
"You flinched."
"Ah, I don't like to be touched unless I know the person very well."
"Oh I didn't know that, I'm sorry."
She laughs lightly and reaches up to wash the shampoo out of her hair while continuing to talk to me. "No, you're fine, just make yourself known beforehand so I don't accidentally kill you."
I chuckle lightly. "Ok, fair enough. How are you?"
"Good, and you?" She asks lightly, scanning my body over.

"A little sore, not much though."
"Mmm...I can add to the soreness if you want."
I take that into thought for a minute before deciding against it. "I think it's alright, I need to be able to stand today."
"Alright, if you say so. Now come over here." She opens her arms and I walk up to her, relaxing in her embrace. She turns me around so my back is pressed against her while my front is facing away. Her hands make their way into my hair as she begins massaging my scalp lightly, washing it with shampoo and then conditioner.

I completely relax against her, pressing my back against her a little bit, which makes her laugh lightly.

"Hey Mione?" She asks suddenly, after a little bit of silence.
"Yesterday, you told me that I still scream in my sleep."
"Have I ever said anything?"
I bite my lip and think for a little bit. Almost every other day that I've stayed with Bella, she's had a nightmare. "The main thing is the word no, but I heard father at one point too."
"Oh. And I don't wake up?"
"No, you just slowly stop when I'm completely in your arms. It takes a few minutes, but if you're holding me tightly, or I'm holding you, then you stop."

"Do you realize you had a nightmare when you wake up?"
"Sometimes. With you though, I've noticed a lot less."
"How come?"
"Because normally I don't have someone to calm me down, so I either have a panic attack once I wake up, or I just wake up screaming after a long nightmare. With you, I don't realize the nightmares often unless I wake up in sweat or I wake up suddenly."

I turn around, Bella's hands letting go of my hair as I do so. "I'm so sorry, Bella, but I'm here for you now." I smile at her and she smiles back, leaning down to kiss me lightly. I kiss her back and we just enjoy the moment for a little while, until she pulls away.
"Thank you." She whispers lightly, making me smile.

She smiles slightly wider and turns me back around, continuing to wash my hair.
Once finished, I turn around. "Can I do your conditioner? I know you haven't done that yet."

Bella hesitates for a few moments before she nods, turning around so her back is towards me.

I grab the conditioner and stand on my toes, beginning to untangle her hair while spreading the conditioner. (Because Bella's actually kind of tall in this fanfic)

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