13. Drunk flirting (Bellatrix's perspective)

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-Yes Ik y'all wanted an actual chapter but here's the last chapter in Bellatrix's perspective. I have no idea how to write someone when they're drunk, own perspective so bare with me here-

-*Coughs* Bellatrix's perspective-

Alcohol starts to cloud my mind and I feel reality starting to slip. Not like reality slipping when I get tortured, it's more like comfort to me. After getting drunk quite a few times, I've started to like the feeling of it. I wouldn't say I'm an alcoholic, it's just my way to help stress. I sigh and take one last swing, finishing my third bottle. I have a high tolerance to alcohol so it's a little harder to get drunk. I sit there, lost in my thoughts, until a hand rests softly on my shoulder and there's a distorted voice calling my name.

I snap out of my thoughts and whip my head to look at the girl next to me. Great. Just what I needed, the mudblood. I inwardly roll my eyes. "What do you want, Mudblood?" I snarl.

She inhales and stays silent for a few moments, making it clear that she's picked up on the alcohol. "I came to see if you were ok."
"Well I'm perfectly fine, Muddy, so you can go back upstairs." I snap.

"It's getting late." She says softly.

"Ok and?" I ask, getting annoyed.

"Lunch. Dinner. You haven't eaten." If I'm being honest, I've slightly enjoyed her being worried about me, it makes me feel safe. Appreciated.
Nonetheless, I continue being harsh to her. She's too soft. "I barely eat, have you forgotten that?" I blabber out. Normally I'd choose my words, but I couldn't care less with the alcohol.

"But you do sometimes." She points out.

"Not often, and not around people." I realize her hand is still resting on my shoulder and I quickly shove it off me. I hate human contact, why did I not realize sooner? Must be the alcohol. "And stop acting so kind to me, it's disgusting and pathetically weak."

"It's how I am, Bellatrix." Her tone continues to be calm and soft and I fight giving in. Something about this girl makes me question so many things.

"Well stop it. You'll get nowhere in life for being that pathetic."
The younger witch rests her hand back on my shoulder, a sort of comfort running through me. "Bellatrix, you're drunk."
Of course I know that, what is this girl getting at? "Ok so what?" I shove her hand off my shoulder, the comfort suddenly leaving. "That's none of your concern."

"I want to he-" Oh here we go again.

Before she can finish, and before I can process what I'm doing, I'm pinning her to the nearest wall, my left hand choking her, my right pinning her hands above her head, and my leg in between hers, our faces too close for comfort.

Her whole face goes red and she begins chewing on her lower lip.

"If you say that you want to help one more time, I will re-carve that fucking scar in your arm. I will cruccio you until you start to see the life you know fading away, into a mess. I will turn you into the Longbottom parents. So stop telling me, that you want to help. I don't need your fucking help, and I never will." I say harshly, allowing my forehead to fall against hers lightly. I stare into her eyes and feel her breath quicken. I decide to listen to her mind, it won't be terrible, will it?

Our lips are mere centimeters away from each other. If I moved a little closer, I could connect our lips and taste just exactly how much whiskey she had. Not that I want to taste the whiskey, rather taste her. Her eyes widen as she realizes what she just thought. No, god no. What is happening to me? She inwardly panics at her thoughts before realizing that I've been waiting for her response. What did she say again? I got too flustered to listen. "I-I..." She trails off, her face going even more red.

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