12. Drunk flirting

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-Hermione's perspective-

I look up from my book and turn my head to the window. It's getting quite dark and Bellatrix still hasn't returned from her 'business.' I sigh lightly and inwardly curse myself for how much I care about the witch. I stand up and start to walk downstairs, making sure to be quiet in case she's here and is struggling. I mean, it wouldn't be like she's crying in the middle of the living room or something, this is Bellatrix for hell's sake, but still, I just want to be careful.

Sure enough, Bellatrix is in the living room, sitting on her couch and staring off into space like she doesn't have a care in the world. Her face is plain but I can see thoughts swarming in her eyes.

I walk closer to her, softly resting my hand on her shoulder to snap her out of her daydream. "Bellatrix." I say softly.

Her head snaps towards me, a harsh glare forming on her face and her eyes going empty. "What do you want, Mudblood?" She snarls.

I pick up the scent of alcohol and realize she's been drinking. "I came to see if you were ok."
"Well I'm perfectly fine, Muddy, so you can go back upstairs." She says, her tone never changing.

"It's getting late."
"Ok and?"
"Lunch. Dinner. You haven't eaten."
"I barely eat, have you forgotten that?"

"But you do sometimes."
"Not often, and not around people." She shoves my hand off her shoulder. "And stop acting so kind to me, it's disgusting and pathetically weak."

"It's how I am, Bellatrix."
"Well stop it. You'll get nowhere in life for being that pathetic."

I rest my hand back on her shoulder, trying to change the topic. "Bellatrix, you're drunk."

"Ok so what?" Once again, she pushes my hand away. "That's none of your concern."

"I want to he-" Before I can even finish, I find myself pressed into a wall with Bellatrix's right hand having a hold on my neck while her left pins my arms above my head. Her leg is in between mine, and her face so close to mine that I can smell the whiskey in her breath.

My eyes widen and I chew on my bottom lip. How is she so quick?! I didn't even have time to think before she was standing and I was in this position.

"If you say that you want to help one more time, I will re-carve that fucking scar in your arm. I will cruccio you until you start to see the life you know fading away, into a mess. I will turn you into the Longbottom parents. So stop telling me that you want to help. I don't need your fucking help, and I never will." Her forehead rests against mine as her stare pierces my soul.

My breath quickens and so does my heart rate. My whole body flushes with heat at how close she is, especially my cheeks. Our lips are mere centimeters away from each other. If I moved a little closer, I could connect our lips and taste just exactly how much whiskey she had. Not that I want to taste the whiskey, rather taste her. My eyes widen and my body heats up even more, realizing exactly what I just thought. No, god no. What is happening to me? I inwardly panic at my thoughts before realizing that Bellatrix has been waiting for my response. What did she say again? I got too flustered to listen. "I-I..." Is all I manage to squeak out.

She scoffs lightly, the strong smell of alcohol taking over. "So pathetic. How on earth could you help me if you can barely talk to me?"
"W-well if y-you d-didn't notice, w-we're i-in an....o-odd position..." I manage out quietly.

She smirks. "Oh what? Am I making you aroused, Muddy?" Am I making you desperate for me?" She lifts her thigh and presses it against my fully clothed, yet dripping wet, clit, causing me to gasp. Her smirk grows wider. "I am, aren't I? You're so pathetically wet, Muddy. All because of a simple position. If that makes you flustered..." She trails off and rests her lips next to my ear, whispering. "Then you could never handle what I can do to you."

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