14. Stars

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-The next morning, Bellatrix's perspective-

I wake up with a ginormous headache and I can't help but groan. When I try to rub my head with my hand, I realize that my hand is...occupied. I look down to see Granger cuddled into my body as if she's a part of me. She has a peaceful look and her arms are wrapped around my arm, causing me to be unable to move. I try to think back to last night but all I remember is finishing my second bottle of whiskey. Or was it wine? Merlin, do I hate hangovers. Being drunk is fun and all, but the effects afterwards really kill my mood and my strength. I try to focus on how I got into my bed and how the mudblood ended up in my arms. Well, I've gotten used to waking up with her near me, but she's never clung onto me, as far as my knowledge goes.

With all my thinking, I fail to notice the young witch waking up. "Good morning." She says softly, causing my thoughts to stop as I look down at the girl. She's looking up at me with a soft smile and I have a high suspicion that I did something bad while being drunk. "Feeling better?"
"From what?"
She lets out a sharp breath and looks away from me. "You really drank a lot, didn't you?"
"Not as much as I normally do." I blabber out, confused as to why I just said that. "What did I do?"
"At night, or when I came to check on you?"
"Which first?"
"Which is worse?"
"Define your definition of worse."
I groan. "So it was bad."
"No, not bad just...." She chews on her lip.

"Why are you curled so close into me, for one?"
Normally, she'd quickly move away in embarrassment, but today, she's not. She's staying firm in her spot. "You started screaming in your sleep again. Wouldn't wake. I tried my best to wake you up, but the only thing that seemed to calm you down was me in your arms. Hugging your arm."
"Oh. Ok that makes sense. And what about when I was drunk?"
"I-I..." She swallows, her face heating up, making my eyes widen.
"Did I kiss you?!"
"N-no...You nearly did."
"What stopped me?"
I feel a certain sadness in me but I can't quite place it. Why would I be sad about her stopping me from kissing her? "Oh so you suddenly had the courage to stand up to me?" I question somewhat coldly.

"N-no, n-not really...Y-you asked me if I wanted you."
I raise an eyebrow, turning her over to face me since her back was towards me. "And?"
She avoids my eyes. "And I said yes." She whispers, making me confused.

"Then why did you refuse, Muddy? You're making me quite confused."
"Because you were drunk, Bellatrix. I didn't want to take advantage of that."
"Why not? I would've done it to you."
She rolls her eyes slightly. "I'm not you."
"No you're not." I say, trying to regain my memories. Normally they come back slowly throughout the day. I sigh lightly and remove my arms from around her waist. "Ok. Time to get up." I sit up, immediately regretting it as my head starts pounding. I groan and grab onto my head, causing the girl next to me to quickly sit up and look at me with worry. "I'm fine." I say coldly. Suddenly, my memories start to come back, all at once, causing me to groan even louder and clutch my head harder. I must've put some sort of spell on myself so I wouldn't forget if something happened to the mudblood. The past nights memories flow through my head and my eyes snap open, remembering everything. Her wetness, her moan, the slight confession from the both of us, and the way she was worried about me when she came down. I can't tell her that I remember. No, not at all. I sigh and lay back down. "Did I pin you against something?" I question, trying to see if she'll tell the truth.

"Y-yeah, why?"
"Cause I tend to do that to people when I'm drunk." I mumble out. "Do you remember the last thing I taught you?" I suddenly ask after a little bit of silence. "It's been two days yet it seems like forever." I'm getting too comfortable with this girl and I don't like it.

"U-uhhh...I-I think we started the k-killing curse."
I nod. "Ok. We'll start with that today."
She looks over at me. "Shouldn't you be resting?"
"I'm fine, Muddy. I just need a shower." I say as I get up, stumbling lightly. I sigh in annoyance and walk to my closet, opening it and picking out my outfit. I smirk as an idea forms in my head. She has no idea that I know about last night, she thinks I was too drunk to remember. Might as well tease her as best I can until she finally admits to liking me beyond mere lust. Oh this is going to be fun. I choose a long sleeve dress with a corset as it's top. It reaches just below my knees, showing some skin. I grab some shorts as well before walking into the bathroom and stripping down so I can take a shower. (The dress is like the one below but the sleeves are like her normal dress. If ya don't like it, imagine something else. HOW DO YOU SIZE DOWN PHOTOS ON WATTPAD-)

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