3. Location

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-Hermione's POV, around two hours later-

Pain washes over me as I sit up but I suppress any noise, I don't want Bellatrix to know I'm awake. I lean against the wall and this time fear washes over me as I notice the dark witch across the cell from me with her eyes closed. Is it possible she's asleep? Maybe I could escape...

I stand up and my head goes fuzzy, making me sit down again. Why does everything have to hurt so much? Maybe I should wait until she's not here and I'm healed, then I can escape. Escaping would be easy, right? All I have to do is get out of the shield, than apparate

"I don't think so Muddy"
I flinch and look at Bellatrix who still has her eyes closed. Did I dream it?
"No, I'm very much awake" Her eyes flicker open, and she looks over at me "And no it's not that simple. You really think that I'm going to let you out that easily? HA!"

I look down. What did I expect? Nothing ever goes my way.

"Your head is all negative, isn't it?"
"P-please stop..." I say, my voice quiet as I can't muster any strength to sound any stronger.

"Speak up little one, I can't hear you from over here."
Then get your ass up "I said-" Before I can continue, she somehow appears in front of me, her hand around my neck. I choke and try to move her hands but all I can do is lightly scratch at her.

Her cruel cackle fills the cell "You're already too weak. What's going to happen to you muddy? It's been a day and you're already so desperate to leave. How on earth have you gotten this far? Your friends are idiots, and even you can't muster enough strength to get me away from you."

I continue trying to get her hand off my throat as I begin to suffocate, my vision getting slightly spotty. "S-stop" I muster out.

"All you have to do is tell me where they are, do I really have to repeat that every time? So pathetic you can't even remember your key out."
Tears fill in my eyes. I can't tell her...If I tell her they're going to die. 

But if I don't say anything, I'm going to be tortured until death... "I-if I tell y-you...W-will you n-not torture u-us?"
"No promises."
"T-then no."
"Oh well then." She lets go and I gasp, trying to catch my breath. After a moment, just as I begin to feel slightly better, that familiar stabbing sensation comes back, a scream involuntarily leaving my lips.

"PLEASE!" I beg, knowing it's of no use, but hoping it'll gain me some pity or something similar.


"NEVER!" I scream louder as, somehow, the cruccio grows more painful. I sob until my throat hurts.

Eventually it stops and I look up at the dark witch who's towering above me. What made her this way? I'm sure Azkaban couldn't be too terrible...Same with her family...I mean she cares about her sister a lot....

I notice the pain fading and I smile slightly, spacing out into my own world as my body attempts to dissociate from the pain.

Unfortunately, the feeling doesn't last long as there's a sharp kick in my rib a couple of moments later. "Don't you dare try to escape this muddy." She growls, bending down next to me again "Now tell me where they are."
"Is this your final answer? I just read a book on dark magic quite a few interesting new spells and I'm dying to test them out. Tell me where they are, and I won't use you as my little test subject."
"I-I-I won't tell y-you..."
"Fine then. More fun for me." She stands up and for some reason so do I. She notices the confused look and her infamous smirk resides on her lips. "Just wait...Crucio!"
Shamefully, I scream again as the pain overwhelms me. I try to lay down to slightly lessen the pain, but whatever spell she has on me keeps me upright. My legs shake, then pain washes over me again, a similar pain, but slightly different.

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