5. Relief

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TW: Torture, mild thoughts of dying, blood.

-The torture has gone on for around a week. This is a week later, Hermione's perspective-

I shriek as needles sting my skin. The world drowns out and I feel as if I'm underwater. I can't breathe but yet, I can. I'm in immense pain, my lungs begging for release, my eyes pouring uncontrollable tears, and everywhere else aching. I scream and scream until finally, there's release. I burst out into a fit of coughing, curling up and clutching my chest, hoping for my breathing to resume normally. I take a deep breath and exhale, repeating the process until finally, my breathing is a little better. Unfortunately, that's when I realize what caused that pain, and exactly where I am. I tilt my head up a bit to see Bellatrix towering over me, her eyebrow raised.

"Well Muddy. That was quite fun to watch."
I look back down, closing my eyes, and expecting more pain.

Bellatrix just groans. "None of you are any fun!"
Oh yeah...Harry...Ron...I always seem to forget they're here.

I just want to go home. 


Where is my home? 

My parents don't remember me, Hogwarts is in ruins being controlled by death eaters. I have no home, I don't even have a certain person that makes me feel at home. What am I doing here? Why do I look forward to leaving? It's just going to get worse and even harder for me.

"Bellatrix?" I ask lightly.


"H-how long...h-have we b-been here?"

"Mmm....You've been here around a week and a half. It's disappointing, I would've thought the golden trio would be more fun!"
"W-why I-isn't he h-here yet?" I ask, still curled up in a ball.

"Good question. He's taking forever."

"BELLATRIX!" Comes from upstairs.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT, IDIOT?!" Bellatrix screams back. Normally I'd flinch, but after this week, her voice is the least terrifying part of her.

"...What?" She asks, confused, before disappearing.

I let out a sigh that pains my lungs. Everything is always in pain these days...I hate it so much, I just want it to end, I want it all to end.

"Mione?" A hoarse voice comes from behind me.

It takes all my strength to turn around and look at Harry. "Hm?"
"How come you're over there?"
Only then I notice how far I am from Harry and Ron. I seem to be in the middle of the cell. How did I get here? "I dunno." I have to keep my sentences short as my throat still burns.

"SO!" Bellatrix's voice echoes throughout the cell and if I weren't in so much pain, I would've backed up. I hear her heels coming closer and closer to me, slowly and painfully. Her heel stabs into my side and I let out a pained yell, closing my eyes tightly. A cackle fills the room as she turns me around with her foot, causing more and more pain to erupt in my whole body. "Apparently I'm supposed to let you guys have a breather! Isn't that fortunate?!"

I grow confused, this must be some sort of cruel game. "W-what?" I croak.

"I'll leave you alone! Isn't that fun?!" I don't understand, and never will understand how she finds pleasure in this.

"Who knows?! The Dark Lord just decides to send a letter saying that you three should be separated but not tortured. Honestly! He's no fun sometimes." She pouts.

"O-oh..." Is all I sigh.

She sighs, obviously annoyed. "I'm supposed to heal you as well but I'll do that later. Have fun!"

Before I understand what's going on, Bellatrix raises her hand and suddenly, I'm screaming as I slide across the floor. When I look up, I notice walls all around me, breaking me apart from Harry and Ron.

"You really have a lot of dark thoughts, Muddy."

I flinch at Bellatrix's voice. "Yeah." Is all I say in response.

She sighs and comes into view, sitting in front of me. She takes out her wand and runs it across my body.

I groan in pain, scrunching my eyes closed and whimpering occasionally.
Surprisingly, she slows down and her other hand rests on my shoulder, rubbing it lightly.

A little sigh gets released and I relax a bit, letting her heal me, the feeling of blood loss slowly going away.

She continues in silence and after what seems to be 10 minutes, her hand lets go of my shoulder, leaving me whimpering at the loss of contact.

I open my eyes to look up at Bellatrix who, for once, doesn't have an evil smirk on her face, but just a frown and a tilted head. "W-why...?"

"Why what?" Her voice isn't harsh either, more like...plain. Emotionless, not at all like a few minutes ago.

"Why would you h-heal...?"
"The Dark Lord told me to."

I find myself finding that hard to believe. "Y-you could've just hidden t-the scars."
She rolls her eyes and stands up, turning to walk away.

I muster my strength and grab her ankle.

Almost immediately, she pulls away from me and turns around, glaring down at me. "What do you want me to say? Because I care?" She scoffs. "I don't care, Muddy, you should know that. Do not question me and don't lay your filthy hands on me." She kicks my rib, making me groan, before walking away.

Hey y'all, sorry this is kind of short but I don't have much motivation, I'm sorry :(. I hope all of you guys are well. I'll try to add something a little nicer next chapter to balance it out, y'know? Anyways, let me know what you think so far and maybe leave some ideas? I hope you all have a great day/night. I'm here for anyone who isn't having the best day :). 

Also, I started another book if y'all wanna check it out. :)

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