19. Skirt (SMUT WARNING)

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Oh also, very small blood warning and second hand embarrassment warning as well.

Haha the way I get embarrassed writing this shit...

-ANYWAYS, Hermione's perspective, the next morning-

"Bella?" I ask softly after about three minutes of being in bed without her saying good morning.

She lets out a little snore in response, signaling that she's still asleep.
I laugh lightly and turn around so we're face to face.
Her eyes are closed, her body relaxed, her arms around my waist, and her chest slowly going up and down.

Before thinking I'm a creep for staring, mind you that she's insanely pretty when she's calm and even more so when she's asleep. I lift a hand and brush the hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. Without thinking, I let my fingers trace her facial features, taking in everything about her. I feel much better than yesterday and I'm sure that if I were to get out of this bed, I'd have quite a lot of energy.

It takes a while for Bella to finally wake up, and when she does, she yawns lightly, which makes me smile even wider.

"Good morning darling." Her voice is a little deeper and raspier than last night, making my eyes widen. "Are you alright?" She asks once her eyes are fully open.

"Y-yeah, why do you ask?"
"Your face is completely red."
I manage a little smile. "Oh...Yeah, it's just...You have a really hot morning voice." Normally she wakes up before I do, so I never get to hear her morning voice, since it returns to normal before I'm awake.

The older witch smirks and rolls over so she's straddling me, releasing my waist and resting her hands next to my head, our faces close. "Oh I do, do I?"

"Well, you wanna know something?"
"You have terrible morning breath."
I open my mouth to respond before stopping. She's not entirely wrong, honestly. "You're rude! I call you hot and you respond by saying I have bad morning breath? I'm offended."
"Hey, you didn't deny it."
"Well just because it's true, doesn't mean you have to point it out!"

She laughs lightly. "Fair point darling. Well, the good thing about me being your girlfriend is that I do not mind bad breath." Before I can say anything, she leans down and attaches our lips, to which I close my eyes and wrap my arms around her neck, pulling her in closer. Before it gets too heated, she pulls away. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better, now shut up and kiss me."
She smirks. "When did you get all this confidence? Last I remember you could barely stand in my presence."
"Well, you get a little bit more comfortable once knowing that the woman you feared, is now a giant softie towards you."
"I am not soft!"
"Yeah sure." I roll my eyes and pull her back in.
"N-Oh." She lets out a little aggravated breath before kissing back, her legs tightening around my waist.

I hesitate before using all my strength to turn us over so I'm on top and she's below me.


I smirk and rest my hands on the sides of her head, pressing closer in the kiss.

It takes Bellatrix a moment before her arms wrap around my neck.

After pulling away, taking a breath, and continuing to kiss her, I nip at her bottom lip, making her smirk and open her mouth slightly. I do just as she normally does, and slip my tongue into her mouth, exploring everything.

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