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you and alex have been getting along well over the past years. although you forced yourself to become friends with him, you enjoyed his loud personality and dumb humor.

you spent birthdays together, ran around the park with each other, and even held hands whenever you were crossing the street to keep each other safe. even when alex left to california to learn english, his mother would let him talk to you over the phone.

now that alex had come back from america, you two wanted to make a sandcastle to celebrate. your eighth birthday had also passed a week ago, so more reason to build a sandcastle!

while your mothers catch up with each other, you walk over to the sand pit. alex decides to try eating some sand, but you stopped him.

   "i just wanna know what it tastes like!" he protests. surprisingly, his english was great.

   "you're gonna get sick." you tell him, dusting the sand off his hand. he pouts and crosses his arms, turning away from you.

   you shrug and help him finish his sandcastle, but then you notice a little boy crying. he looked almost a year younger than you, maybe the same age. you take alex's hand, and walk up to the boy.

you sit down next to the weeping boy as his hands continue to collect his tears.

   "why are you crying?" you ask. he looks up at you, confused.

you got confused, too, but then realized he might be visiting from somewhere else.

you clear your throat, and attempt to speak english so that he would understand. while growing up, your mother exposed you to both english and spanish, so you could talk to other people.

"why are you crying?" you say in english.

   "t-th-they took my- my stuffy!" he cries.

"who took it?" you ask him.

   "them." he pointed to a group of older kids, probably in seventh grade.

   one of them was holding a duck-shaped plushie, which most likely belonged to the boy.

   "okay, i'll ask for it back." alex says proudly.

   "careful, alex!" you tell him before he runs off to the group.

   "don't cry! what's your name?" you ask the teary-eyed boy.

   "karl." he answers quietly.

   "well, hi! i'm y/n." you say.

   you turn around for a second to check on alex, and notice him with hands on his hips, facing the bullies.

   "go, alex!" you cheer quietly.

   "hey! my friend wants that back." he tells the bullies, pointing towards the stuffed animal.

   they look down at him and laugh.

   "oh, this? well, sure.." one of them says and puts it in front of him.

   "thank you!" alex reached out for the toy, but then the bullies snatch it away last second.

   "..not!" they giggle, nudging each other while muttering insults about alex to each other.

   alex crosses his arms and pouts, trying to look scary.

   "well, what are you gonna do about it, kid?" the older boy taunts.

   just then, alex kicked the guy in the bananaramas(if you know what i mean), causing him to drop the toy.

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