t w e n t y - t h r e e

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tw; alcohol, mentioning of death

after a long day of pillow fighting, you three were now just in the living room, chilling and doing nothing. the time was 7 pm, and it'd probably be a good idea to eat some dinner.

   there were leftovers in the fridge, so you decided to have that to eat. you poured the contents of the cold tupperware into a bowl, and heated it in the microwave.

   two minutes later, it was done. being careful not to burn yourself, you took the heated dish and placed it down on the table. you grabbed a fork and a spoon, and ate your food.


12:32 am
you couldn't sleep. no matter how much you tossed and turned and squeezed your eyes shut, nothing took you off to the magical world of dreams.

you heard some rustling noises above you. since you couldn't sleep, you decided to investigate, despite being scared shitless.

was it a bad idea? yes. but then again, a cool way to die.

alex's bedroom door was slightly opened. you look inside, and noticed a small gust of wind guided his curtains. the window was open. perhaps it was him making all that noise?

you followed your instincts, and climbed out alex's window. nothing but a roof. you decided to look around, and eventually found somewhere he could've possibly went.

it didn't take long before you found him. he sat there, one leg bent upwards, and the other one rested. his right arm rested on his leg, and in his hand was a can. you couldn't tell what it was.

you approach him, and he looks up at you. he realizes that you found him, and smiled slightly. you sat down beside him, and he greeted you. you did the same.

"what are you doing here?" you asked.

"it's relaxing here. plus, *hic* my dad's birthday is today, so why not say hi to him?" he answered, looking up at the stars. his words were slurring, and he sounded tired.

you found it heartwarming. since you reunited with alex, you come to realize that he's had an amazing relationship with his parents.

sure, your dad was kind to you, but you never got to spend good quality time together. with the mafia business and now the upcoming fight, never did you truly bond with your father.

alex handed you a can. you took the drink from him, and smiled in gratitude. but, you were confused as to why he had a second can. you looked to the other side of him, and saw three other empty cans. the drink was alcohol.

"holy shit, alex, why are you drinking so much?!" you ask, a highly concerned tone in your voice. you quickly took the can from him, making sure he doesn't drink anymore.

"y/n, i'm an a-*hic*-adult. why are you so worked up?" he argued.

"because you've already had three whole cans of beer! are you trying to get alcohol poisoning?" you answered.

"no! i just- i just want to see my dad again." he says, his voice growing quieter.

"well, what do you mean by that? isn't he dead?" you asked.

"yeah, no shit, he's dead." he paused, and turned to look at you. "sometimes when i drink, i hallucinate. i was just hoping my dad would be one of those hallucinations." he explains, voice cracking.

you felt bad for him. you noticed a small tear roll down his cheek. the man took a deep breath in, and exhaled with a sigh. he looked in different directions to prevent more tears from spilling out.

dirty crime boy; quackity x reader ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now