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the next week for you was challenging. the feeling of having to swallow the fact that you were alone in a different country, not knowing anybody. the only person you had was your mother, but she was gone.

almost every two hours, you broke down. whether it be during a walk in the hospital garden, or sitting in your bed eating. all you could do about everything that's happened so far was letting it out through your tears.

it's 10 in the morning. your doctor walked in, holding a clipboard in his hand.

"hey, y/n. just checking if you're feeling any better now." he politely informs.

"hey, dr. mars. i'm feeling pretty okay." you lie.

"glad to hear that." he responds. the doctor checks your vitals, and makes sure that your IV has the correct fluids in it.

"alright, you're all good to go, kiddo," he says, giving you a pat on the shoulder. "how's the cast? is it loose?"

"no, it fits really well." you say.

   "good. well, i'll be off then." he walks out of the room.

you turn your attention to the tv, and the current show they were broadcasting was adventure time. you stare into the screen, not much excitement in your expression.

one episode later, your nurse knocks on the doorframe. you turn your attention towards her as she walks toward you.

"morning, y/n." she greeted with a smile.

"hello, dr. guro." you greeted her back.

"so, good news," she turns to read off her clipboard, "you're gonna be leaving the hospital tomorrow!"

your expression turns to one with a satisfied look. you were happy, but also confused.

   "wait, where will i go? i don't know anybody here!" you worry.

   "i was just getting to that," she answers, "they should be here any minute now-"

   the nurse was cut off by a knock on the door. you see a person with short hair, glasses, and a clipboard. you couldn't tell if they were female or male. dr. guro walks over to them.

   "hello, is there a y/f/n here?" the person asked.

   "yes, they're over here." she leads the stranger to you.

   you tilt your head in confusion. not too much, so that your neck feels okay. the strange person tilted toward you, offering you a hand to shake. you shake their hand, still confused about the situation.

   "hello, y/n. my name is harlow. i'm your caseworker." they introduce themselves.

   "what's that?" you ask, curious of the term.

   "well, i'm a person who helps you find a family to live with." they answer.

   "are you a boy or a girl?" you ask.

   "i'm non-binary," they answer. "that's a person who doesn't feel like being a boy or a girl."

"cool!" you gasp in awe.

harlow smiles. "thank you. now, be prepared for tomorrow, i'm driving you to your new place."

"okay!" you reply. harlow then has a small conversation with dr. guro while you focus your attention to the television.


   the next day arrives. you flutter your eyes open as the sunlight pierces through the curtains and gently strikes your face. today is the day. the day you finally leave this hospital.

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