f o u r

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(refer to the image above for my visual on y/n's room)

you're in your room, taking a quick nap. as you fall deeper into your slumber, your mother softly knocks on your door. you slowly open your eyes as she opens your door gently, walking in.

"y/n? you busy?" she asks.

"no, ma. why?" you respond.

"i need to tell you something." she says, an uneasy vibe in her voice.

you tilt your head, curious about what she was going to say next.

"y/n...we're moving in a week." she broke the news.

"we're moving houses?" you ask, hoping that was the answer.

"no, sweetie. i mean we're moving countries." she tells you, putting a hand on your shoulders.

your smile fades, turning into a soft frown. moving away from home was a nightmare to you.

"why? aren't we okay here?" you ask, confused on the sudden move.

"we are, but..." she stopped, thinking of her next answer. "i found a..better job!"

"well, can't i just stay here by myself? i know how to make eggs!" you try persuading her.

"i'm afraid it won't work that way, y/n/n. you have to come with me." she replies.

"but i don't want to move! i wanna stay here with my friends, especially alex!" you cried out.

"look, i know how close you two are, but this is serious." she says.

you say nothing, and start to cry. you tried to keep it as silent as possible, but the thought of abandoning your home was overwhelming.

your mother hugs you, hoping it would give you at least a bit of comfort.

"i'm sorry, y/n. but we have no choice." she says as you sob in her arms.

you weren't ready for any of this. how would alex react? what will happen when you move? the questions lay there in your mind, settling in as you tone your sobs down.

"can i at least say goodbye to alex?" you ask her, tears in your eyes.

"of course you can, dear. now, go pack your bags. i'll help you." she answers.

you dry off your tears, and get to packing. your mom already bought you a suitcase, so you took that, and started packing all your things in there.


it was three days before you were moving away. you and alex were at the park after school had just ended.

you two were sitting at a picnic table, helping each other with the homework.

"hey, does nine times seven equal 64 or 59?" alex asks.

"neither, it's 63." you correct him.

"ah." he says in realization.

you two continue to practice math until you could find the right moment to tell him you were moving away. although you knew it would hurt, it was bound to happen anyway.

after going over your homework, you two decide on walking home together. you finally decide to break the news to him.

"hey, alex?" you tap on his shoulder.

he turns to look at you, "hm?"

"i'm..moving to america in three days." you say to him, a lump starting to form in your throat.

he completely stops in his tracks. the boy looks into your eyes, disbelief radiating off his expression.

"you're...you're moving?" he asked, hoping he had just heard you really badly.

"yeah. my mom said i have no choice." you answer, cracks in your voice.

before you knew it, alex latched onto you, sobbing in your shoulder. you hug him back, letting your tears fall.

"i don't want you to leave, y/n/n!" he sniffs.

"me either!" the two of you continue to cry in each others arms.

eventually, you two calm down. the rest of the walk back home was complete silence, complimented by small sniffs from both of you as a result from crying so long.

since you lived three houses away from each other, you and alex stopped by your house first.

"so..i'll see you tomorrow?" he asks.

"well, duh. we have school!" you reply.

"okay." he says. before you split up, he pulls you into a tight hug.

the hug breaks after 10 seconds, and you two say your goodbyes. you walk into your house, and alex made his way to his house.

you greet your mother with an "i'm home!" and walk into your room.

placing your backpack down, you flop onto your bed, covering your face with both hands. that reaction from alex wasn't surprising at all, but your heart still ached at the thought of it.

there were multiple boxes in your room, and everything was emptier than how your soul felt.

you take out the rest of your homework, and placed it on your lap to work on. after 4 hours of studying, overthinking and crying, it was already time for dinner.

you head to the kitchen to get your food and eat. your mother was still packing up a few things into boxes, and you sat there, picking at your food.


three days had already passed. it was now sunday, and you and your mom were at the airport. while you were waiting, alex and his parents were with you two.

both you and alex were crying again, not being able to handle the fact that this would probably be the last time you'd ever see him in person.

"i'm gonna miss you, y/n/n." he said.

"me too, lexi." you reply, hugging him. this time, he didn't mind the nickname you called him.

just then, your flight is called. you really didn't want to board, but no other option existed. before you left, however, alex gave you a letter, and a drawing.

"read it on the plane." he tells you.

"okay." you answer, giving him one last big hug.

alex's mother takes a photo of your last interaction with each other before you left to board the plane.

he waves at you, and you wave back. more tears threatened to leave your eyes, but you simply wiped them away.

you and your mother enter the plane, finding your seats. once you sat down, you immediately took out the letter alex gave you, and opened it with as much caution as possible. it read,

"dear y/n, i wish you would stay in mexico with me. you are my best friend forever, and i love you. i will miss you very much. ♡"

you smile, then take a look at what he drew for you. it was a little doodle of you and him, and a frog in the middle. there was a little pink heart above it, and there were bees in the background.

you put everything back into the letter, making sure you could keep it with you at all times.

just then, the plane was taking off. you felt the ground shake underneath you as the plane started flying off into the air. you doze off, resting your cheek on your hand as the plane glides through the clouds.


i am back with the fourth official chapter! sooo how we feelin about y/n moving away? lol anyways hope you enjoy, take care of yourself and enjoy the rest of your day!

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