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tw; death

   you wake up, a flower crown laid on your head, and your h/l, h/c hair in soft curls. (or if you have really short hair, no hair, or you wear a hijab, the flower crown by itself will do!)

 (or if you have really short hair, no hair, or you wear a hijab, the flower crown by itself will do!)

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(this is what i'd imagine you wearing, but think of something else if you don't like it!)

you took once glance at your outfit, and gasped in awe. looking around, you realized you were nowhere near the airport, or anywhere. (again, refer to the image above for my visual!) you wondered how you didn't have an allergic reaction.

you turn, and notice a kind of fairy-like person petting a bunny. you walk up to her, excited that you weren't alone.

"hello?" you call out.

"ah, y/n!" she replies.

"where are we? and how do you know my name?" you ask her.

she stands up, holding both your arms.

"my name is claire, and you're in a very special, safe place called heaven, dear." she tells you calmly.

your eyes widen a bit. "wait, but that means.."

"no, sweetie. it's not your time yet." she replies.

you sigh in relief. "oh, oh, okay."

"come with me, i want to show you something." she holds her hand out, and you take it.

claire leads you to some sort of cliff, and bends down. she gestures you to do the same, so you sit down.

"look down there, y/n. what do you see?" she asks.

you look down, and see yourself in a hospital gown. needles injected inside you, tubes in your nose.

"i see...myself." you answer.

"yes. that's you. now, y/n," she turns to look at you, "would you rather stay here with me, in this field, or would you rather come back and live the rest of your life?"

"well...i want to live!" you reply.

she giggled softly, "i knew you'd choose to come back."

claire takes both of your hands again.

"now, y/n. you won't be able to remember me, or anything that's happened here. so once you wake up, all you'll remember is the flowers you've seen. 'kay?" she tells you.

"i don't care. as long as i can see my friends again, i'll be fine." you respond.

"okay. now, close your eyes." she instructed you.

   you gently close your eyes. then, claire starts slowly counting down from 10. when she gets to 8, you feel as if your soul is melting into the ground, entering the real life version of you.

   her counting fades away as you come back to reality. by now, you felt as if you were falling off a cliff. the sensation was strange, but soothing at the same time. (lol wtf)


   doctors surrounded your unconscious body. the blood transplant was a success.

   "they're still not showing signs of consciousness. is this kid's machine broken?" one doctor asked.

   "no, we've made sure that the equipment we have for them is up to date. they just need more time." another doctor responds.

   "they've been in a coma for two months." another doctor says.

   "you think we don't know that?!" the first doctor snaps.

   "hey, hey, they're waking up!" the second doctor says, pointing toward your twitching body.

your eyelids slowly part, your vision coming back. everything was blurry, and it was bright. you try blinking to clear your vision.

you saw doctors around you, checking to see if you were okay.

you look around, confused. but as you do that, your neck aches. you yelp, putting your head back into it's original position.

   "careful, y/n. you've got a sprained neck." one of the doctors told you.

   "where am i?" you ask in wonder.

   "you're at the hospital, kid," the doctor replies. "everything will be fine."

before you could speak, another doctor talks over you.

   "now, y/n, we're gonna be running a few tests on you. don't panic, nothing will hurt, okay?" the doctor tells you, flashing a comforting smile.

   you nod your head, indicating your understanding.

   after all the tests, you were brought back to your hospital room. it turns out, every memory you've had since you were five was gone. all you remembered was your mother, and a few cousins.

   speaking of your mother, you were wondering where she was. you ask one of the nurses as they gave you your food.

   "doc, where's my mom?" you ask.

the nurse's eyes widen, but she tries not to show her shock. she turns her head to you, and walks over.

"how do i explain this?" she mumbled to herself.

"what do you mean? is my mom not okay?" you ask.

"well...let's just say she's here in a special way." she replies. you still don't understand what she's trying to tell you.

"how?" you question her again.

she sighed, "okay, do you want the raw truth, or do you want me to sugar-coat it?"

"just tell me!" you demand.

"okay, fine. your mother gave you her blood so you could survive." she admits.

you bring one hand to your mouth, gasping.

"but, she's okay..right?" you ask, having the slightest bit of hope for her life.

the nurse looks down. "we did everything we could, but she didn't have enough blood for herself. her body refused the blood transfusion."

   your eyes start to produce tears. you refused to believe the news you just heard.

   "i'm so sorry."

hello!! rlly sorry for the last bit of the story, but it's for the storyline! pls remember to take care of yourself and stay safe! much love to you all :)

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