t h i r t y

847 25 41

tw; guns, violence, death

alexs pov

   i needed to find a safe place to hide my mom. but where? the wild cards are all over my tracks, and they won't stop until i'm dead.

   suddenly i remembered. the safe house! and it isn't even far from here! i stepped on it, dodging every car and every pedestrian passing by as i quickly rushed to the safe house.

   "slow down, slow down!" my mother cried, worried about the speed we were going at.

   "sorry, i have to get you there as soon as possible. i don't want anything to happen to you, ma." i replied, drifting here and there.

   and after all of that racket we were finally here. i quickly locked her into the safe house and gave her a weapon to defend herself, then i gave her a tight hug and ran off back to my car.

   i started the car and drove, gaining speed as i went. i wanted to be at headquarters as soon as possible, who knows what the hell's going on?!

   i made it there, and i ran in. everyone was either dead or too injured to keep fighting. but the real issue was happening..in my office?

   i bolted, suspecting that y/n was in there, too. maybe even karl came back. no, that's crazy! i burst through the door, and i see karl in the corner, and y/n's dad pointing a gun at him.

   without a second thought, i tackled him to the ground. i grabbed his arms, which were holding onto his gun for dear life, and punched it out of his hands.

   i punched and kicked, determined to end it all here. he was able to hit me back, and everything is just a blur from there.

karls pov

   i opened my eyes, not expecting to see alex who'd dove in between us to save me. i felt happy. i felt confused. i felt scared.

   i rebalanced myself so i could help take down the wild cards in this room. there were nothing but grunts of effort, anger, pure rage. it was like being an animal in the wild, with all the other creatures fighting for superiority.

   suddenly, y/n fell to the floor.

your pov

   you fought off the men who were surrounding your dad and karl's dad earlier. they were a lot stronger than you remembered from training with them.

   you were hanging in there for a while, until two of them attacked you at the same time. you were taken by surprise, and they were able to beat you senseless.

   you attempted to fight back, but it was worthless. you had already dropped to the floor.

alex's pov

   y/n had fallen to the floor. i looked at them, scared for them. karl had done the same. but me being distracted meant that kaleb got a chance to take karl and put a gun to his head.

   i react immediately, doing the same with karl's father.

   kaleb chuckled deviously. "so, it's all down to this. what will you choose, alex? will you save your friend or sacrifice him?"

   "let go of karl, or i will fucking shoot this gun!" i threaten.

   "there's really nothing you can do, anyway. you either let my right hand man go, or i'll shoot karl." kaleb threatens back.

   "let go of my son, kaleb." karl's dad demands. damn, even after i'm holding him at gunpoint, he still cares about his son? he's completely different than from before.

dirty crime boy; quackity x reader ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now