t w e n t y - n i n e

856 22 30

tw; guns, violence

kaleb (your father)'s pov

   we'd been in mexico for two weeks now, hunting down my child. seriously, how could i have lost track of such a loud, nosy brat?

   i looked over at karl and sapnap, who were trying to hack into alex's systems. the rest of my team was either out looking for y/n, or doing some other shit.

   i'm pissed. i could've just not let y/n and karl go prancing around when we first got here and all would've gone well. but no, they just had to get a cup of coffee.

   it's a good thing karl came back. he finally knows what he should be doing. i walk over to him, hoping he finally has something that could help me.

   "any luck?" i ask, resting the palms of my hands on the table.

   karl clicks and drags his mouse, pursuing the information i need. "i found something, but i don't think it's all that helpful."

   "just shut up and show it to me." i demand.

   he plays the video. one of my men breaking into the house. i feel a devilish smirk creeping up on my face, hoping he'd killed him for me.

   but of course, life doesn't always give us the gifts we hope for. instead, that little shit took him down and killed him. "say goodbye, shark boy." my god, they're so old-fashioned. a one-liner before executing someone. classic.

   that was impressive, but i still had my goal. the information karl gave me yesterday proved to be extremely helpful.

   it was finally time to make my move.

alex's pov

shortly after my mom came home, she cooked me and y/n a really nice meal. y/n had to excuse themself for a bit, so i was left alone with my mom. we ate in silence, until she spoke.

"so, how are things with you and y/n?" she asked me, in a sort of teasing tone.

judging from the way she talked, i can only assume she knows i still like them. i didn't really wanna look her in the eyes, the topic was kinda embarrassing.

"..it's going good." i said, my voice quieter than what i had rehearsed in my mind.

"aaah, you like them, don't you?" she made that sound that basically told me she's reading my mind.

"well, it's kinda hard not to." i say evem quieter, shoving another spoonful of food into my mouth.

all she did was giggle. good lord, that was cheesy of me to say. "mamaa, stop laughing!"

   she giggles a bit more before saying, "oh, there's nothing to be worried about. they're a wonderful person!"

   i didn't want to say it out loud, but she's right. y/n was wonderful. they're smart, helpful, funny, and really down to earth. i could count on them whenever i needed to. i've always thought this since the day we met.

   my mother pinched my cheek and told me that i'd gone red. i put a hand to my face, and it was hot. this is a little embarrassing.

   the last time i told my mom about a girl was in high school, and that didn't even work out because she talked about me behind my back.

   i went back to eating my food, hoping y/n was occupied with something else to not have been able to hear us.

your pov

   you had a nice home-cooked meal made by alex's mom when suddenly, you got a text message. you excused yourself and made your way to alex's old room.

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