f o u r t e e n

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tw; mentions of murder

what you just found out was...more than shocking. how come karl never told you about alex? when did they stop being friends? questions and flashbacks were clouding your head, causing a headache.

you sat down on the floor, t-shirt falling into your lap. you put your hands on your head, clenching your teeth to help ease the pain. you took deep breaths, calming yourself.

karl needs to know about this. you quickly stood up, walking out of the room. you pass by your dad's room, and hear him talking.

feeling nosy, you stand by the door, listening in to his conversation.

"...letting them find out. so, the second we land in mexico, we need to get rid of them." you hear him say.

you were confused. who's "them"?

"no, i know they're my kid! just make sure you find a way to off them," he says. "that was supposed to happen 10 years ago, and we only managed to get their mother!"

your eyes widened. is he talking about the taxi crash?

"my god, do you never keep up?! delilah wanted to leave me, i wasn't gonna let her find someone else and let him raise MY child!" he raged at whoever he was talking to. "that kid they used to be friends with is our enemy, we're not letting them meet by any means."

you hurried back to your room, being ever so quiet. just as it couldn't get any worse, it got worse. you shut the door behind you, sliding your back down on it.

your breath started to hitch. your vision became blurred with tears. you hold the t-shirt to your face, letting it soak up your sorrow. you felt betrayed, to say the least.

six years. that's how long you were oblivious to this. you finally came to realize how much of a monster your dad was. he's sold people on the black market. he planned your mother's death, and now he was planning to kill you.

all these thoughts clouded your mind, filling you with more negativity. you have to do something, and you have to do it now. without a second thought, you rang karl's cellphone.

he answers after three rings. "hello?"

"meet me at headquarters, room 37." you say, wavering your voice.

"are you okay?" he asks.

"just be there." you reply in a stern tone.

before he could reply, you immediately hung up. you grabbed your coat, keys, laptop and other essentials before heading out the door.

you got in your car, and started it up. you pull out of the driveway, taking the nearest route to headquarters.

you were no longer sad. you were apalled. you weren't going to let him get away with this. your mother deserves justice, and she deserves it now.

once you get there, you rush inside. you walk in a faster pace than usual, finding room 37. you open the door, and see karl inside, already sitting in one of the chairs.

"y/n! so, what did you want to talk about?" he asks.

you say nothing, and immediately open your laptop, typing rapidly on it.

karl looks at you, confused. you finally show him the screen.

"recognize him?" you ask. it was a picture of alex, with his information beside him.

"alex?" he says, question in his tone.

"yeah, yeah, we were all friends in 5th grade!" you tell him.

"oh, i know." karl replies.

"why did you never tell me about him? why have you kept this a secret?" you ask. karl keeps quiet.

"dude? hello?" you say, waving an arm in his face.

"i don't want to remember him." he mutters.

"well, why not?" you ask.

"why are you even showing me this?" karl questioned.

now it was your turn to stay silent. you take a deep breath in before coming up with a very long answer.

"okay, for you to understand, i need to take you back to when i was ten," you started. "my mom and i had to move here because of her new job, but i didn't think that was the reason. when we moved, we got into a car crash."

"you've said." karl says.

"anyways, i was outside my dad's room earlier, and he was talking to someone." your voice heightens, and starts cracking.

karl notices you start to look up, faint tears in your eyes. you blinked them away as karl rushed to comfort you.

"the crash, it wasn't an accident. he planned my mother's death." you stood up right after saying that, letting karl take you in his embrace.

"he said he needed to kill me, karl," you say. "so i wouldn't bump into alex and let him tell me everything."

"i'm so sorry, y/n/n." karl says, planting a small kiss on your head.

you let out your emotions on him, letting tears dampen his t-shirt. he deeply cared. his best friend was not only in danger, but in pain.

you pull away from the hug, calming down. "i think we need to team up with alex."

karl gave you a look. "dude, are you crazy?"

"no, i'm serious! think about it. we all knew each other when we were little, and my dad's literally planning to kill me!" you say.

"look, as much as i don't want you to die, i'm not going against my dad! not to mention, the entirety of our friends?" karl argued.

"do you even hear yourself? not even a minute ago, you were sorry for me, but you won't even think about the situation logically!" you bicker.

"fine. you can team up with alex, but i'm staying on the wild cards." karl says before storming out.

"karl, get back here!" you say. but he kept walking.

you turn back and throw everything off the table in rage, letting out a frustrated yell. you then rest your elbows on the desk, putting your hands on your face.

"i thought karl was my friend."


JESUS CHRIST THAT TOOK WAY LONGER THAN EXPECTED but uhh yeah hope you enjoyed and again, sorry for the amount of unrealistic, im doing it for the plot :/ pls stay safe and drink your water! have some food while ur at it too ;) luv u all mwa thnx for reading

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