t h i r t y - t h r e e

803 18 19

6:07 pm
your pov
   you spent countless hours on your phone, wondering if you should just turn it off and just take a nap. you almost did, until a knock came at your door.

"what?" you grumbled into your pillow. alex knew he was fine to come in, so he opened the door and sat down on your bed.

"so listen, i know it's not the best time right now, but i just got a call from karl's dad." he explained, pulling out his phone.

you raise your head from the pillow, an eyebrow raised in confusion. "no way. what'd he say? and how'd he even get your number?"

"apparently, he got it from karl's phone. it was still blocked, but he found it anyway," he answered. "he said he wanted to meet us at an abandoned park. alone."

"no, f*ck no. he could be trying to kill us!" you immediately sprung up in denial.

"i say we give it a shot. i'll have the others watch from afar. so if we die, he dies." he suggests.

"you're being ridiculous. he's involved with my dad! who, if you can't remember, killed my mom, killed karl and is now trying to kill me!" you were scared. you convinced yourself that nothing would talk you out of it.

7:55 pm

unfortunately, you weren't successful in keeping your promise to yourself. you were already at the park where you were asked to meet at. you were finally wearing something other than sweatpants and a t-shirt.

   both you and alex had wires on. in a van a block away, puffy, phil, wilbur, and ponk were watching, just to make sure the two of you aren't in danger.

when you got to the park, alex looked surprised. it was just a regular park, only it looked..destroyed. what happened here? it didn't look like many kids were playing here for a while.

   "y/n, do you remember this place?" alex asked you, smiling a bit.

   you raised an eyebrow. "does it look like i remember?"

   alex was confused, then he remembered your memory loss. "oh shit, that. ugh, that sucks. we used to come here after school every day."

   "we did?" you ask, knowing nothing about what he was on about.

   "yeah, so much happened here. i hate the way it looks now. it looks nowhere near as good as when we were kids." he said, his face going long. "karl would've been devastated to see this."

   you went silent for a bit, and eventually broke the silence by saying, "yeah, he probably would've." you looked around the playground in disbelief that it'd gotten worse than what you probably saw back then.

   just then, you hear footsteps coming towards you and alex. you turned to the noise, and see karl's dad coming towards you.

the two of you immediately straightened up, trying to look as professional as possible. "so, what'd you call us here for?" alex got straight to the point.

"kaleb has abandoned the wild cards. right now, jimmy is taking the lead but we are still in danger." he explained.

"what? that has to be false. my dad would never, that's basically his second family." you denied. you couldn't fathom the idea that the wild cards lost their leader. but how?

"wait a sec, how'd that even happen?" alex asked, as confused as you.

mr. jacobs proceeded to explain what had happened the night after the raid. apparently, karl had informed them of what really happened between you and your dad, and why he had to come back. after your dad came back from wherever he was, the others had chased him out of the wild cards.

dirty crime boy; quackity x reader ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now