Chapter Twelve

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When I could leave school, I did. I didn't pay attention for my last two classes, all I wanted to do was question Gerard on why he was acting the way his is. I walked straight to the park and sat on the swing. I took out a cigarette and lit the other end. I stared at the school, waiting for his figure to walk out of the school and walk to me. I was shaking, for two reasons. One, it was fucking cold outside. Like I shit you not, it has to be -17 degrees. Second, I was so angry that Gerard didn't talk to me today about anything. Like why won't you say hi to your best friend.

I didn't realize I was practically hyperventilating and didn't even start to smoke my cigarette. It was just burning in my hand and I didn't realize it. The cigarette is going to calm me down a bit, but yet I don't have the nerve to take in the nicotine. I decided that I was going to calm down by just sucking the end of the cigar and let the nicotine fill my lungs. I tried thinking of something besides Gerard. Which was pretty hard because all I wanted to do is scream and start kicking random objects near me, but I didn't. I started of thinking how I'm slowly dying from smoking and hypothermia. It was freezing. I kind of regret being mad and waiting for Gerard. I wouldn't be in the freezing cold. Snow was slowly falling, so I know it has to be below 32 degrees. By the time he would walk out of the school I would probably freeze to death. Who knows how long it would take to freeze my body to death.

Eventually, I saw a speck walk out of the building, which was walking towards me. The speck walked closer and closer. Gerard opened his arms when he was a few feet away from me and wrapped them around me.

"What?" I whispered. I bet he couldn't even hear me, I was way to cold to speak. Shit.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into my ear.

"Why?" I tested him. Did he really know? Did I really know?

"I got back together with Lindsey." He said, "I didn't know how to tell you. That is why I tried to avoid you. To buy some time to think."


"But I like you a lot Frank. I want you." He continued, "I don't know what to do."

I still didn't say a thing. I was so shocked.

"Plus I don't want to come out as gay in the school."

Now that one hurt more than anything else. He is using Lindsey as a beard. Now that is not cool at all.

"Why?" I started tearing up.

"Because people will judge me." He replied.

"Well. Fuck people!" I screamed pushing him away from me. He looked very confused.

"But-" He tried to say, but I interrupted.

"And fuck you too!" I said running away from him. I started running towards my house, but I really wasn't. I could see him chasing after me, but it was already to late. I quickly turned down my street and jumped behind a bush. Gerard didn't realize and continued running down the street. I ran the opposite way. I ran as fast as my little, freezing legs could take me. I could see the most sanitary place in the distance. I slowed down to a slow walk and eventually walked into the Hospital.

"Sir. Are you okay?" The secretary asked me as I walked in.

"Uh. Yeah?" I said walking towards the elevator.

I understand I'm crying, but I'm totally okay. How could I lie to myself? I feel shattered and displaced. I walked into the elevator and pressed the floor I wanted to go on. I furiously pressed the close doors button so no one could walk in and awkwardly stand next to a crying teen. I felt like the elevator took forever to get to the 3rd floor and when it did I rushed to get to Maya's room. There were two doctors and a few nurses around her. I stood outside of the room and waited until they were over.

"Maya, if you can hear me, blink." One of the doctors said. Apparently she did because one of the nurses had a huge grin on her face. The realization that she is awake made me happy, she can actually listen to me.

"That's good. She also was heard saying a few words earlier." The other doctor said writing that in a file.

After a while, they finished and I quickly sat down in the chair next to her.

"Fr-Fr-Frank." Maya said.

"Hey hey no need to talk yet." I said taking her hand.

"Wh-what's wrong?" She whispered.

"Well. Where do I begin?" I said, "Gerard told me he liked me on Christmas. Today, he told me that he got back together with Lindsey and wants to be with me. He is also scared of coming out to the public and wants Lindsey to be a beard."

"Oh." Maya said, "I c-can tell you care as much a-about him as he c-c-cares about you. P-people make mistakes. It-it's human nature."

"But-" I said.

"B-but nothing. Butts are for sitting." Maya said. Talking is really wearing her out, one of the nurses walked into the room with a scared look on her face.

"Maya, you shouldn't be talking too much." The nurse said while she was administering a sleeping drug.

"G-g-go f-find him Fr-rank." She said slowly falling asleep. I quickly walked out of the room before the nurse started talking to me.

I checked my phone while riding in the elevator. 15 texts and 5 calls. All from Gerard. I didn't read any of his texts, but I know he was at my house. I ran to my house and ran to my room finding Gerard sitting on my bed looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry Frank." He said.

"I don't care." I said grabbing the sides of his face and pressing my lips on his.

"What?" Gerard said pushing me off. I was offended a bit that he didn't kiss back, but I understand.

"I care for you Gerard." I said sitting next to him.

"I care for you too." He said.

"Then come out. For me. No one will care. I promise." I said. I think I was crying again.

"Okay then." He said.

There was a silence for a few moments until Gerard tackled me on the bed. I let out a loud laugh.The distance between our faces was not that far. Gerard noticed and he closed the distance and kissed me.



(The gif of Dan and Phil is basically the last part js except on Frank's bed)

Literally I can't write smut so im sORRY

:j I haven't been to school since last Thursday (Thank you snow!)

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