Chapter Four

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I probably swung for an hour before I got the nicotine feeling. I took out my cigarette pack and took out a cigar and lighter. I put the cigar end in my mouth an put the the other end in flames. I sucked in. What a great taste of nicotine filling my lungs and slowly killing me. I looked around making sure there was no kids around me, so I don't look like a bad influence on them, but I saw Gerard walking to me.

"Hey. Share." Gerard said sitting at the swing next to me. I didn't even realize what time it was and when school was over. I never stayed for the whole school day.

"Here." I open my pack and gave him a cigar and my lighter.

"Thanks." He took the cigar and lighter and put the cigar in his mouth. He light the other end and sucked in making the end burn. Most of the time I watch the cigarette burn out. It interests me how slowly it burns out, it reminds me of how slowly it is going to kill me. I sucked in and watched the end become shorter faster to finish it. I exhaled the smoke and threw the finished cigarette on the ground and squished it with my foot.

"Relaxing." I said picking up the now finished cigarette. I can't just leave it on the ground for kids to see. I don't want kids to pick up the habit of smoking. It's not good to smoke.

"It is. Want to start walking over to the café?" Gerard asked only half way through the cigarette. I nodded and we got up from the swings. The nearest café was only a few blocks away, which wasn't to far because we got there in 5 minutes. It was enough time for Gerard to finish his cigarette and throw it away. We entered the Forum Café, which was packed with people.

"Welcome in guys! What do you guys want?" The barista asked.

"Uh. I'll take a black coffee." I said.

"I'll take the same." Gerard said.

"Cool. What's your names?" The barista asked.

"Frank." The barista wrote down on a cup.

"Gerard." The barista wrote on another cup.

"Are you guys together or separate?" The barista asked. I got super confused at the question.

"Together." Gerard said. I gave him a puzzled look.

"That would be $7.59." The barista said. Gerard started pulling out his wallet and I wanted to reject Gerard paying for the coffee.

"Don't worry. You'll pay next time. I owed you for helping me out today." Gerard whispered nudging my arm. After he paid, we sat down and waited for our coffee to arrive.

"So if you were in a band who would you want to be in a band with?" Gerard asked. Strange question.

"Well Ray because he's fucking talented." I said and he nodded, "Uhh, Bob because he's pretty good at playing drums and he's been my friend for a super long time. Probably your brother because I can't think of any other bassist that's not in a band."

"That would be an awesome combination. Just one problem." He said.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"Who's the singer?" That question was really good to be completely honest.

"Hmm. You?"

"Hell yeah, I'll be in a band with you and everyone else." He said. The barista came over and gave us our drinks.

"Thanks." We both said simultaneously.

"When did you get this idea for making a band?" I asked taking a sip of my hot, dark coffee. Sweet taste of caffeine.

"Well. It is our senior year and every other senior in the music department is already in a band except for a selected few so I said why not give it a try?" He replied.

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