Chapter Ten

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When Gerard and me were walking out of the hospital, we had a a conversation about the next album. I thought we should wait this one out because we just released our first record. Apparently another record company is begging us to come and record and they are giving us one free week to record.

"The album could be somewhat like a movie!" Gerard said.

"How?" I asked.

"Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. It kinda sounds like a movie title." Gerard replied.

"It does, but it would need a story line." I said.

"The story of a man, women, and the corpses of a thousand evil men." Gerard explained.

"That's deep." I said. I think that saying was in the inside of the Bullets inner artwork. Maybe.

"It kinda ties in with our first album. The first album was basically about being scared and this one that I'm planning is about being angry and wanting revenge. Hence the title name." Gerard said. I never realized how small this town was. We just walked out of the hospital and now we are close to Forum Café. It wasn't even five minutes!

"That is super interesting. Do you have songs written out or anything?" I asked. He probably does, he is the slightly, off-centered leader in the band.

"You remember the song I wrote in songwriting? The one you told me to write about my grandmother?" He asked. We walked into the café and surprise, Tim was working.

"Yeah." I said trying to remember the name, "Helena."

"Yeah. We are going to put that song on the album." He said.

"Does that have anything to do with the album? The song doesn't sou-" I said.

"YO FRANK AND GERARD!" Tim yelled cutting me off.

"Hey Tim." Gerard said waving the number two in the air and Tim nodded getting to work.

"Well okay. Remember I pay this time." I said.

"Yeah, I know. What were you saying?" He asked.

"The sound doesn't sound angry." I said.

"The concept of the album is about my grandmother. This album wouldn't have been thought of if I didn't think of her." He explained. Tim walked by and gave us our coffee. He remembered that we liked black coffee. I gave him ten dollars and told him to keep the change.

"That's good. I guess." Maybe I shouldn't of said that because Gerard didn't respond for a few minutes. In those few minutes, i almost drank half of my coffee and two chicks were staring at us strangely. They looked somewhat familiar, but I don't care.

"Well, my grandmother always inspires me." Gerard finally said.

"Do you know those girls?" I asked nodded my head over to where they were.

"No. Why?" Gerard asked.

"Well they looked over here and stared at us weird. Plus, they looked somewhat familiar." I said.

"Maybe they were at our gig the other day." Gerard said. I couldn't tell if he actually knew the girls or not. He kinda sounds like he was lying.

"I might get another tattoo." I said taking the last few sips of my coffee. I had a few tattoos, but I want to have a lot of tattoos.

"What is it going to be?" He asked.

"A scorpion tattoo. Very high on my neck. So I can't get another job and we can be in this band forever." I said.

"That's nice." Gerard said.

"Yeah. This band is going to be so successful! My Chemical Romance is my favorite band!" I said.

"So you are basically the number one fangirl of My Chem?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh hell yeah." I said and Gerard rolled his eyes.

"Yo, Gerard and Frank. We are about to close up shop." Tim said to us. I didn't realize it was dark outside.

"Okay." I replied. Good thing we were done.

"No one is a bigger fan of My Chem than Frank Iero. Who is in My Chem. How interesting." Gerard mocked as we walked outside.

"Well. I have four people I care about in one band, which I am included in." I explained before going our different way.

The town was silent the whole time walking home. I could almost hear Gerard's footsteps walking home. Even though he lived on the other side of town. Maybe it was actually someone elses footsteps following me and maybe trying to kill me. I quickly turned around, no one was there. Just my imagination telling me something was there and it wasn't. That always happens. I always think about the worst possible things. I decided to call Doris and ask her about her brother, so I could waste some time walking home. She picked up after 2 rings.

"What's up?" Doris said.

"Eh. Nothing much. I was visiting Maya today and I looked at the sign in sheet and noticed a name that I couldn't recognize." I said.

"Which was?" She asked.

"Dan." I replied.

"Oh. Yeah Dan Smith." She said.

"Yeah. Does he go to our school or something?" I asked.

"He did. He graduated a few years ago. He's in the band Bastille. You realize I'm British right?" 

"Bastille? I better check them out. And yes I happen to notice that you were British."

"Good. Bastille is pretty great. I hate how some people only notice my brother when there are three other people in the band! That drives me crazy. If you want to be a fan, learn all band members names or none of them." She said.

"Well okay." I said.

"Yep. Need anything else?" She asked.


"Okay good because I have to go." She said ending the call.


I have writers block. But i wrote this chapter in an hour because i had a snow day today. Which is great because I have so much school work to do and I have no time to update a chapter. (Which I am totally sorry for)

My thoughts are with Joe and his family (1.12.15). A few moments ago he just posted on tumblr through the FOB tumblr that his mother passed away yesterday. Stay Strong.



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