Chapter Six

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A month has passed since the first band practice of My Chemical Romance. Gerard booked us a studio to record in and I liked the sound of how everything is coming together. I would say that we actually sound like a great band, but that sounds too overused, so I say that we are the most bad ass band in New Jersey at this moment. We had trouble recording Gerard's vocals since his tooth has something wrong and he had trouble singing. Mikey hooked us up with a gig at this club, but the club manager only gave us a selected time to play. Which is okay for a first concert.

My mom brightened up after the talk with Dr. Dun. He came over a few other times, but all he said was that I was okay and that my mom believed him. Which was fantastic because I don't want the resource officer to stalk me. On the even brighter side, my birthday is in a few days and I invited people to hang out. People meaning Maya, the rest of My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, and Dallon. My birthday is on Halloween; some people call it 'Ieroween' for fun. I was walking with Maya to go to the café that Gerard took me to.

"But Frankie, what do you want for your birthday." Maya begged.

"Nothing. I already have what I want." I said.

"Ugh whatever." She laughed.

"Just enjoy that I'm taking you to a café you haven't been to." I said.

"I don't want to look like a white girl." She said.

"It's not Starbucks. I know you don't like it over there, but this place is waaay better." I said.

We finally got to the Forum Café and the barista recognized me right when I walked in.

"Hey Frank! Hello friend of Frank and Welcome to Forum Café." He greeted. I looked at his name tag and his name was Tim.

"I'll take the black coffee I took the last time." I said.

"Okay." Tim said, "And for you?"

"Um I'll take a Vanilla Coffee." She said squinting at the sign behind Tim.

"What is your name?" Tim asks.


"Cute name." Tim said, "Together right?"

"Yes." I said pulling out my wallet.

"It will be $7.98." He said and I gave him $8 and told him he could have the change.

"You can have a seat I'll get your coffees in a sec." Tim said.

"Nice place." She said. We sat at the table that me and Gerard sat at.

"I know."

"Was this the table you and Gerard sat at?" Maya asked.

"Maybe." I said.

"Frank, you always do this. Whenever you take me out to a new place its always with a date you had and you always sit at the same table." She said.

"It's because I want to relive the memory." I responded. Tim brought us our drinks.

"Thanks." Me and Maya said at the same time.

"No problem." Tim said.

"I think he wrote his number on your cup Maya." I whispered looking at her cup.

"Oh look he did." Maya said showing.

Call me

Tim - (394) 424-2475

"What a flirt." I laughed.

"Whatever. I'm actually kinda talking to someone and maybe someday Tim will have a chance. Anyway, will you tell me what you and Gerard talked about?" Maya asked sipping on her drink.

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