Chapter Thirteen

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Fireworks couldn't even describe what was going on right now. All I could think about was Gerard and his lips on mine. I never want this to end, but it unfortunately did when Gerard got off and sat on the edge of my bed. He was looking at the floor. I couldn't tell what was going through his mind, so I crawled over to him and put my arms around him. 

"Gerard?" I said quietly, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Stop." He said shaking me off of him. What the hell? What did I do?

"Ge-" I was interrupted.

"Frank, I never kissed a guy. Give me a break." He said. I was angry, but I understood. It's probably not easy for him because he still loves Lindsey. 

He got up and went to the door. He walked back to me and kissed me again, then walked out of my room and left. I was left in confusion.

*Next morning*

I woke up, I don't even remember falling asleep. I sat on my bed and checked my phone.

New Message (1): GeeBear

New Message (4): Maya The Tiger

First off, why is Maya texting? She just got out of a coma, she shouldn't be aloud to be on electronics.

Maya The Tiger: Hey Frank. I'm voice texting. How rode is that?!

Maya The Tiger: I mean road.

Maya The Tiger: RAD. Duck autocorrect!

Maya The Tiger: You know what I mean.

I replied:

Me: Haha yea autocorrect sucks.

Then I checked Gerard's texts.

GeeBear: Hey.. Sorry for walking out on you last night. I had to clear my head for a little bit. I broke up with Lyn-z for the last time. I'll see you later. :x

I checked the time: 7:50. SHIT. School starts at 8:00. I put a random shirt and black pants on. I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran out of the house. It was raining and I was wearing a short sleeve shirt. How smart of me.

I ran up the stairs and entered the building. I was soaking wet. I walked quickly to guitar class and luckily I wasn't late. I came into the room exactly 7:59.

"Look at what the rain dragged in." Ray said laughing.

"Oh shush Toro." I said. The bell rang and Mr. Miličević walked in.

"So class, the 'talent show' is coming up and you know what that means." Mr. Miličević said passing out a paper, "You should know this isn't a talent show, but that's what other schools would call it. Remember we are not a typical school. This is your final grade of every class. It will decide if you graduate and continue on with your career or decide if you are not good enough and go to a college to get another career. This paper basically explains the rules and why it is important."

                              Talent Interest Show


1. Must be an original song/artwork.

2. Can audition with band. If artist, has to be by yourself.

3. If preforming a song, it must be less than 5 minutes. If artwork, must explain art in max time of 5 minutes and minimum time of 3 minutes.

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