Chapter 4: Double Trouble

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You were heading to Potions class and couldn't wait for your father to teach you so many things. The only seat that was open was next to this Gryffindor boy who turned to face you once he heard you sit down

Gryffindor Boy- Hello

Y/N- Hello

George- my names George, George Weasley

He reached his hand out to shake yours

Y/N- Y/N Snape

His eyes went wide. He looked at Severus, then you, then back at Severus

George- your HIS daughter?!

You lowered your head

Y/N- yes I am

George- wow, didn't expect him to be the father type

Y/N- he's a wonderful one

George- really?

He looked again at Severus who caught him staring, George turned back around. Just then another Gryffindor boy spoke up

Gryffindor Boy- well you look nothing like him

You rubbed your eyes. Looking back and forth between the two

George- this is my brother Fred

He waved, you waved back. Severus coughed, you looked over to see him looking at the three of you

Y/N- we'll talk later

Fred- good idea

You lowered your head back into your book reading the next step of your potion

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