Chapter 36: Revealing The Truth

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You felt as if everything was going in slow motion. Because it was, your body was falling slowly. You thrashed about. When you made it to the ground you saw Severus, helping you down. George apparated underneath you as you slowly fell into his arms bridal style. You threw yourself out of his arms

Y/N- Leave me alone!!!

You ran. You kept running until you stopped, you saw your father. You ran to him and stopped a foot away from him

Father- Y/N, what's going on?

You almost responded when Severus and George were behind you, your father looked at them

Father- what have you done to my daughter?

George- daughter?!

He laughed

Father- does he not know!? Tell them my dear! Tell him who you really are...

You looked at George

Y/N- I am Y/N Riddle, daughter of Tom Marvolo Riddle. Who is now renownedly known as...Lord Voldemort

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