Chapter 16: Severus's Secret

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That year Severus trained you, to do what your father made you to do. You followed him around, studied him. That boy was different and now you knew why. Your schedule is also filled with Draco. Being that you still had to mentor him, your schedule was packed. With school, training, and teaching, you had no time to yourself or for anything else. You were in the middle of a potions lesson with Severus. You knew that he wasn't your actual father, but you didn't want to accept it. You still loved him very much. As you listened to his instructions you noticed something about the way he walked. He was limping. You took a closer look at his leg to see it was bleeding. After the class, you stayed to talk to him.

Severus- Y/N?

Y/N- I noticed your limp, are you alright? Why aren't you going to see Poppy?

He looked at you

Y/N- Severus?

Severus- it's nothing

He walked away but you grabbed his sleeve

Y/N- You may not be my birth father, but you are my foster father. And I still love you.

He was speechless

Y/N- so why can't you talk to me? Is there something I'm not supposed to know? If not then just tell me and i'll understand

He relaxed. He then came up to you and hugged you close. You could hear him crying quietly

Severus- I will tell you

His head stayed resting on yours with his arms squeezing you. You missed his comforting arms.

Severus- I was attacked by one of Hagrid's pets. Trying to discover something

Y/N- what was it?

Severus- a Cerberus, he protects a secret area on the restricted floor.

Y/N- why do you want to get to it?

Severus- I can't tell you that part...

You respected his decision and continued listening to his story

Severus- but I do have some information to give you

Y/N- what?

Severus- Potter is after it too

You felt your eyes flare. It was like every time you heard his name a part of you felt angry.

Y/N- where is the secret area?

Severus- I don't want to tell you, not until you are ready for what's beyond it

Y/N- but I won't know what to be ready for until you tell me

He became hesitant again

Y/N- Severus, I have to do this, you know that. So please tell me

Severus- fine, listen closely

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