Chapter 15: The Visit

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You were dismissed for the rest of the day due to processing all the brand new information. You stayed in the Astronomy Tower, staring off into the sky. As your conscience soared through your brain, processing all the brand new information about your actual identity. You were Y/N Riddle, daughter of the world's most powerful dark wizard. You were to help your father with his goal, to kill the boy who lived. You weren't quite ready for the killing part. You never thought that would ever be a thing you had to do. You weren't ready. Suddenly you felt a presence next to you. It was George. Fred then appeared on the opposite side of you

George- we haven't seen you in any classes, is everything alright?

Y/N- no, nothings alright

You say as you brushed away a tear. You were embarrassed that the Twins always saw you crying.

George- what happened?

Y/N- I just realised that my entire life was a lie...

You felt a hesitant hand be placed on your shoulder. You looked up at George, he had a worried smile on his face. You then buried your head in his robes. He wrapped his arms around you. You felt comfortable in his arms.

George- wanna talk about it

You shook your head no. You weren't allowed to tell anyone, well's horrifying. You didn't want anyone to know you were the daughter of an evil wizard.

George- well when you are...we're here for you...

You sniffled

Y/N- thank you

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