Chapter 26: Congrats

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You were walking to the Common Room to get some rest. When you hear cheering from down the hall, you turn to see the Weasley Twins wearing red and green.

Fred- you did it!

George- and in the least amount of time! We're proud of you

Y/N- I couldn't have done it without you two

Fred- aww shucks

George- anywho, do you know what to do with the egg?

Y/N- don't know yet, thankfully i have time to figure it out

Fred- and with the help of us, you should know in record time!

Y/N- why aren't the two of you cheering for Harry?

George- we are, we're cheering for the both of you

Y/N- but Harry is in your house

Fred- well yeah but...

You raised an eyebrow at them

George- you should probably get some rest

Fred- yeah that sounds like a good idea

They run off. You smile shortly as you make it to your Common Room. You opened the door to find every Slytherin cheering. Draco runs up to you

Draco- great job Y/N, your ahead of the others!

Y/N- thanks Draco

Draco- I can't wait to see the look on Potter's face when you crush him!

Y/N- and that will be a sight to see

You set the golden egg on your nightstand and got ready for bed. You accidentally left your wand near the fireplace so you ran to grab it real quick. You grabbed it off the couch when you jumped from a very familiar voice

Severus- i'm very proud of you Y/N

Y/N- Severus!

You ran into his arms laughing

Severus- using a Fire Resistance potion, very smart

Y/N- learned it from you of course

He chuckled

Severus- I was so worried when i saw you run into the dragon's flames, but when you came out unscathed I was very relieved

Y/N- you didn't think I would do that without a plan did you?

Severus- I knew you had something up your sleeve

He squeezes you tightly one last time

Severus- now run to bed

Y/N- got it

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