Chapter 14: Learning The Truth

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You stayed after Potions to talk to Severus. When the others all left, then you found your chance

Y/N- Severus can I talk to you?

Severus- what about?

Y/N- well, first off i'd like to talk about Draco Malfoy

He raised an eyebrow in curiosity

Y/N- he says you and his father talked about me mentoring him

Severus- and what about it is causing you to talk about it with me?

Y/N- I don't think i'm ready to mentor someone, I don't even know that much myself

He puts his hand on your shoulder

Severus- I believe your ready

Y/N- but what if..

Severus- don't think about the "buts" or "what if's", just think about how you will help yourself with this

Y/N- you mean I have no choice

Severus- I am afraid so...

You lowered your head

Severus- I believe in you...

Y/N- thank you Severus

You then remembered another reason why you were talking to him

Y/N- something happened yesterday during the sorting feat

Severus- what?

Y/N- I don't know how it happened but my eyes turned red...

He then took your head in his hands and observed your face, staring deeply into your eyes. He let go, his face was painted pale. Paler than normal. You reached for him

Y/N- Severus..?

Severus- I knew I couldn't stop it from happening...

Y/N- stop what from happening..? Severus, what's going on?

He lowered his head. You walked up to him and raised it back up, he had a tear falling down the side of his face. You wiped it away

Severus- i'm afraid it's time...come sit...

You both sat at his desk. You were scared about what he was about to say

Severus- first of all, I think it's time to tell you that...i'm not your real father...

You felt as if someone sent a Bombarda spell directly to your heart. Tears started to form in your eyes, same with Severus

Severus- your real father is Tom Marvolo Riddle, or he's widely known as Lord Voldemort. The world's most powerful dark wizard.

That's what the TMR stood for!

Severus- he gave birth to you because he wanted you to finish something for him, if he was unsuccessful. To kill the boy who lived

I have to...kill someone..?

Severus- his name is Harry Potter

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