Chapter 13: The Encounter

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A couple years had passed. You were now in your third year and enjoyed it. You stuffed your face with sweets you bought off the train as you watched the first years get sorted

McGonagall- Harry Potter

That name sounded very watched as the young boy made his way up. You glared at him. He held his forehead and winced. You looked closer to see a lightning bolt shaped scar hidden under his fingers and messy brown hair.

Sorting Hat- Gryffindor!!

The red table roared in excitement as he made his way to the table. He looked at me from time to time. Soon the feast began and I dug in


You walked the first years to the common room. As they were all settling in you went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. You looked in the mirror to see that your eyes had changed from their dark brown to a deep red. Strange. You were cautious but let it off and thought about asking Severus in the morning. When you walked into the lounge area, your robe was tugged by a new year. He was small and had bleach blonde hair

Y/N- yes?

Draco- my name is Draco Malfoy

Y/N- Y/N

Draco- Y/N, as in Y/N Snape?

Y/N- yes

Draco- my father has told me so much about you

Y/N- really? Who's your father?

Draco- Lucius Malfoy

You shook your head. You didn't recognize the name

Y/N- sorry, don't know him

Draco- well he's told me that you were to be my mentor, both him and Professor Snape had agreed to it

Y/N- Severus did?

He nods

Draco- they said that you were to take me under your wing, teach me all you know

Y/N- alright, I can do that. But do you?

Draco- sort of, I want to become powerful

Y/N- then thats a yes, we'll start tomorrow, meet me in the library during your free time

Draco- got it

Y/N- now go to bed, you have your first day tomorrow

He ran up to the sleeping quarters. When he turned the corner your smiled quickly faded

Y/N- I have a lot to talk to Severus about

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