Chapter 40: The Happy End

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*your point of view*

You woke up in the Hospital Wing which looked almost completely empty. Your body was weak, you couldn't move. You panicked as Poppy made her way over.

Poppy- you're awake!!

Y/N- how long have I been asleep?

Poppy- almost a month

You gawked

Y/N- a month?!

Poppy- don't worry, you didn't miss anything

Y/N- but for that long?! What happened?

Poppy- you were dying, Severus saved your life

You then remembered. Your limbs sprung to life as you sat up. Poppy tried to stop you

Y/N- I need to see Severus!!!! Let me go!!!

Poppy- you need more time for recovery!! Your body just woke up from a coma!!

Y/N- later! I need Severus!!

You broke free from her arms and ran out of the Hospital Wing. You ran around the halls to try and find him. You checked every common room, every classroom even his, outside, around the entire castle. No sign of him. You began to tear up as you fell to your knees.

Y/N- Severus...

You then heard shoes clicking from the far end of the hall, you raised your head immediately to see the one face you thought you would never see again.

Y/N- Severus!!!

You ran to him, happy crying. You jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. He cried out tears of joy as he held you close.

Severus- I knew it! I knew it!

You both laughed happily as you looked into each other's eyes

Severus- I didn't have a single doubt

You were so overjoyed you were at a loss for words. You just wanted to enjoy this moment. Being with your father


You were packing up your things. You were happy to move back in with your father after being away so long. You transferred all your belongings into a never ending luggage box, which was very handy considering you had a lot of stuff. Then you heard a tapping noise, you looked over to the window to see a small owl holding a letter. You opened the window and the owl dropped it into your hands. You opened it and almost yelled. You recognized the penmanship instantly as the first words your eyes saw were Astronomy Tower. You ran as fast as your legs could as you made your way to the Astronomy Tower. You walked up the stairs to see the worlds most serotonin filling smile

George- Y/N...

You felt tears fall down your cheeks as you ran into his arms. You were happy but then became sad as you spat apology after apology. George laughed

George- it's okay...i'm just so happy you're alive...

He looked down into your happy teary eyes and brushed them away. You then out of nowhere, jumped up, wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips against his. You felt his lips turn into a smile as he kissed you back.


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