Chapter 24: The Gossip

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You knew Dumbledore would want to talk with you and how your name was called when there were more wizards then were needed, you simply told him you didn't know. After that he didn't question you about it again. Although the students did. Rumors of you and Potter were spread across the entire school. You and the Twins stayed in the Library.

Fred- people really need to keep their mouths shut

George- oh I can do that

He held up his wand but you forced him to put it away

Y/N- oh no, your not doing that

George- but that's not-!

You raised an eyebrow at him, he shut up

Y/N- How are we supposed to know what the first challenge is?

George- want us to do some snooping around?

They were the ones who knew the castle better than anyone..and they were incredibly their own way... you gave in while they were nudging your shoulders

Y/N- fine, but don't get in trouble

George- we won't, lets go Freddie

The two left in a hurry with big mischievous grins on their faces. You were alone in the Library until someone spoke to you

Harry- hello

You jumped slightly. It was Harry Potter. That same feeling was present again

Harry- just wanted to say...good luck in the Tournament...

Y/N- oh thanks, you too..

He nodded and walked away. Why was he saying good luck to you? You then stood up

Y/N- Harry

He turned to look at you, he had a confused look on his face

Harry- yeah?

Y/N- n..nevermind...

He walked out of the Library, you sat back down embarrassed

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