Chapter 33: Field Trip

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*back to your pov ; you have been with Voldemort for what felt like centuries. Planning and plotting how to get into the school and kill Harry Potter. But along with your prep work, you've also been suffering. The Dark Magic that Voldemort gave you hurt, you could never control the pain. It would always find a way to expert itself the most painful way and you couldn't do anything about it. You would just scream in agony as it did its thing. You felt like dying. You were dying. And you couldn't stop it. As you were holding back tears during a meeting, Bellatrix barged in with a big happy smile

Bellatrix- its time

She laughed as you all made our way to Diagon Alley, right into Borgin and Burkes. You each took turns walking into a giant cabinet. It was then your turn, Father put his hand on your shoulder

Father- you can do this

You took a deep breath before entering the cabinet. It was dark all around You. You were very claustrophobic. You were about to have a breakdown when the cabinet was filled with light, there you saw Draco Malfoy holding the door open. Happy to see a friendly face after so long you wrapped your arms around him for a tight hug. Few minutes later, everyone was here.

Bellatrix- now, let's get this party started!

You all were deep in the Forbidden Forest. When you made it out, you saw thousands upon thousands of Death Eaters, waiting to attack. There was a giant protective shield surrounding the castle. You slipped your cloak hood over your head and waited for the signal. You gave a devilish grin once you saw the barrier fall down. You didn't mean to but you just felt...excited

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