Chapter 31: The Third Task

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It was time for the third and final task. You were one point behind Cedric and Harry. If you got the cup you would win. You looked behind you to see Severus nod his head before the maze closed behind you. You began to wander, hoping to find the cup before anyone else. Passing the dangers inside, you heard a scream. It sounded like Fleur. Your feet ran in the direction of her shriek but your mind was wanting you to ignore it. You found her running from something, but nothing was there. You grabbed her by the shoulders to stop her. She was panicking

Fleur- you need to run! Viktor's been hexed!

You then saw Viktor, his eyes were a blank white as he raised his wand in your direction. You took Fleur's hand and ran. Dodging and turning every chance you got. You continued running until something didn't feel right, your turned to see Fleur gone

Y/N- shit...

You tried to find her but she was gone. You kept walking until you saw it, the cup. You walked up to it but there was a loud noise. You saw on the other side Harry and Cedric. The maze was chasing them. You quickly grabbed the cup, but they did at the same time as you. But something happened, you were flying through the air. You landed in what looked like a cemetery. Cedric and Harry where on the ground

Cedric- you guys okay?

Harry- i'm fine

Y/N- same here

The Cup must have been a portkey. You looked around to try and find something, but a man emerged from a building. You all hid.

Voice- kill the spare, Wormtail

The man yelled and a huge flash of green was fired at us. Cedric flew and fell on the ground with a thud, he was dead. Harry pulled you away and hid you behind a separate gravestone. Why was he doing that?! All of a sudden your ears were filled with Harry's screams, you ran over but only to see a man appearing out of thin air. His skin was paper sheet white, his robes long and black, his head was slick and smooth, and his eyes looked just as red as yours

Y/N- Father?

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