Chapter 28: Cedric's Hint

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You were on your free hour so you wanted to do research in the library, when you walked by a group of Hufflepuffs. Cedric spotted you and called out your name

Cedric- Y/N wait!

He ran to you

Y/N- yeah?

Cedric- just wanted to say...good job with the first task

Y/N- thanks

Cedric- also have you figured out how to open your egg?

Y/N- i was just about to do some research-

He leaned in closer

Cedric- well take a bath with it tonight

Y/N- excuse me?

Cedric- just put it under a body of water, trust me

His friends were calling out to him

Cedric- I gotta go

Y/N- oh o-

He walked off with his friends

Y/N- 'kay...


You listened to Cedric's instructions. You stood near the fireplace with a bucket, your egg, and you wand

Y/N- Capacious Extremis

You then filled the bucket with water and dropped your egg in. Few seconds later your head follows. You heard gorgeous music then it said the next set of instructions. You raised your head out of the bucket with a gasp for air

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