Chapter 11: The Secret

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It was late and the twins were helping you sneak back into the common room. They waved goodbye and hurried off when you reached the door. As you reached for the handle you heard talking on the other end. You put your ear to the door to listen

Severus- you know that it's too soon

Man- but she has to know the truth eventually

You couldn't recognize the second man's voice, but you definitely heard Severus's. Who were they talking about?

Severus- I am not teaching my daughter about this when shes so young

Man- but you have to remember Severus, she's not your daughter

You gasped...Severus wasn't my father..?

Man- she needs to know the truth about herself and what she has to do. The boy will soon come of age to attend Hogwarts and when he does she needs to be ready

You could hear Severus sigh as footsteps approached the door. You quickly ran from the opening door and hid behind a torch. You peaked over to see a tall bleach blonde man who looked oddly familiar
Man- If you love her, you have to tell the truth. Besides you can't hide it forever. Once he returns or when that potion of yours stops working...she will find out who she truly is...

He walked away, leaving Severus alone in the common room, and you crying in the hallway

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