Chapter 7: Assholes Everywhere

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Another day, another Eris. Good quests have been extremely sparse, but not totally nonexistent. The high level quests that are way out of Ayumu's party's league haven't been taken, but there's usually at least one lower level quest posted at the beginning of the day. That being said, someone usually takes the quest before Ayumu can get to them, but that doesn't really bother him too much. He still has his stockpile of gold from the Magical Meter that he's been spending as frugally as possible to stretch it out. Ayumu still goes out and gathers materials from any monster he finds and sells them at Wiz's shop. Today, however, he's learning from her about potions and poisons.

Ayumu: "Like this?" he asks as he's brewing a poison.

Wiz: "Let me see..."

She leans over him to check his progress, her large chest pushing into his face.

She leans over him to check his progress, her large chest pushing into his face

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Ayumu (thoughts): 'HUGE!'

Wiz: "That's right! Now add the snake venom! But try not to get any on your skin. If you have any open wounds, you-"

Ayumu: "Wiz, you remember what I am, right?"

Her happy demeanor turns a little melancholy for a moment.

Wiz: "Oh, right... I had almost forgotten."

He chuckles and adds the ingredient to the brewing poison, making it turn a sickly green color. He smells it and while it smells revolting, he's satisfied with his work.

Ayumu: "Thanks again for teaching me, Wiz. This is a huge help. I can only really punch things right now, but hopefully, this'll give me another use."

Wiz: "Of course! My shop's not too busy around this time of day usually, so feel free to come back and I'll try and teach you what I know!"

Ayumu: "You sure you don't want me to pay you or anything? You are teaching me some pretty useful stuff."

Wiz's face turns a little red.

Wiz: "T-That's fine... You're a regular customer, s-so I don't mind..."

Ayumu: "Well, if there's anything I can do for you to pay you back, just let me know, alright?"

Wiz's POV

He goes back to his potion and Wiz's face heats up even more despite being an undead. She feels like her heart might start beating again at any moment! This young zombie boy has been nothing but nice to her. He's genuine in his words. She feels like he might be her first real friend here... Or maybe...

Wiz (thoughts): 'Stop it, stop it! He's a customer! You can't think like that!'

Ayumu: "Wiz? Hello? Earth to Wiz? Are you doing alright? You're not sick, are you?"

He puts his hand on her forehead, causing her to blush even more.

Ayumu: "Wait, you're a Lich. Do you even get sick?"

I Can't Die, So WHY AM I HERE!? (Is This A Zombie? x KonoSuba Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now