Chapter 3: Someone As Crazy As Haruna

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It's been a week since Ayumu and Aqua started working for the Adventurer's Guild in Axel. Their quests have mostly consisted of hunting small monsters, gathering herbs as they did in their first quest, and miscellaneous odd jobs around the city. There aren't that many of the small monster slaying quests, as those are snatched up fairly quickly, but there are a few that Ayumu's been able to scrounge up.

Right now, he and Aqua are busy eating breakfast, ready to go on a quest to kill Giant Toads. The toads' mating season presents all sorts of problems for farmers whose sheep are eaten. Rumor says that people sometimes goes missing during this time, so they're a big nuisance.

Ayumu: "Hey Aqua, you think we'll be able to kill five of them in just three days?"

Aqua: "But of course! You have an amazing and wonderful Goddess on your side! What's there to worry about?"

Ayumu: "I'm not sure, but I heard from some of the other guys that they can be tough for new adventurers, especially ones that don't really have equipment. You know, like us?"

Aqua: "It'll be fine! I'll get an Archpriest staff on the cheap since I'm so-"

Ayumu: "Brag about yourself one more time and I feed you to the killer ants."

Mentioning the ants from their first quest gives Aqua enough PTSD to shut her up, the only safe way to get her to stop showering herself in compliments. On their quests, she's usually too lazy to do very much. Well, unless Ayumu saves her, which he has to do fairly often.

Ayumu: "I'm just kidding. Come on, let's go get some equipment."

Plains Outside Axel

After getting a cheap staff for Aqua and some clothing other than his sweats/tracksuit for Ayumu, the pair make their way to outside the city, where the Giant Toads like to spend their time not reserved for making people's lives a living hell.

After getting a cheap staff for Aqua and some clothing other than his sweats/tracksuit for Ayumu, the pair make their way to outside the city, where the Giant Toads like to spend their time not reserved for making people's lives a living hell

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Ayumu: "Ah, the fresh open air and the sun! Praise the sun!"

Of course, Ayumu has on his special ring that lets him not dry out and look like a wrinkled ballsack due to his zombie nature, so he's actually enjoying himself right now.

Ayumu: "Ahahaha! I am having like, the best time right now!"

Ayumu: "Ahahaha! I am having like, the best time right now!"

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I Can't Die, So WHY AM I HERE!? (Is This A Zombie? x KonoSuba Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now