S2 Chapter 2: ...what?

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Ayumu's POV

Taeko: "A-Ayumu!?"

She's- No, it can't be! In this world, it's Taeko!? What in the hell is she doing here!? How is she here!? She didn't come over with the others, so-

Taeko: "AYUMU!"

She runs over to him in a quick fashion, grabbing hold of his body as she lunges in his direction. She claws at his clothing until finally getting a firm grasp on him, wrapping her arms around him while burying her face in his chest.

Ayumu: "T-Taeko!? What are-"

He looks up at Saras, who looks at him coldly. She widens her eyes, nodding to him with a scolding look on her face. Understanding her signaling, Ayumu hesitantly lowers his arms so that he's hugging Taeko back. Saras's face softens in approval, though she still rolls her eyes, probably because doing this seems so obvious to her. Well, it's not obvious, Saras! If you didn't know, Japanese people aren't really clingy like this!

Yunyun: "Ayumu?"

Standing next to Darkness, Yunyun stares at Taeko and Ayumu, confused. It's good that he's not the only person confused by this entire situation! How is Taeko here!? If she didn't come over with the others, then-

Ayumu (thoughts): 'If she didn't come over with the others, then she must've...'

Ayumu's hug on Taeko tightens, turning from one of obligation to one of tenderness and sorrow. She must have come over the normal way that people from Japan come to this world, the way that Aqua thought she was doing to him. Eu and the others skipped that way, coming over directly. Taeko must have left her body behind and come over as a soul. She must have died...

Ayumu: "Taeko..."

A few seconds after he said her name, Taeko's grip on him weakens and she stops, taking a step back. Her face is red while there's tears in her eyes.

Taeko: "S-Sorry!" she apologizes. "I-I just- I didn't expect to see you here... I saw the other girls and I had heard your name here, but I didn't think that you had also..."

Had also...? Oh... She thinks that he died to get here the same as her. Well, he's died, but that's not how he got here. Huh... Ayumu's never thought about it, but it's weird to think of the normal route of getting here as normal, especially considering when he died the first time, his soul went to the Underworld first and not the dimension in between his world and this one. Maybe Aqua was just busy?

Ayumu (thoughts): 'The more likely of answers was that she was just being lazy...'

Taeko's blush and tears are still there, prompting Ayumu to want to do something.

Kurumi: "Good evening, Master Ayumu. Do we have a guest?"

Out of nowhere, Kurumi appears next to him and Taeko, who's startled by Kurumi's sudden presence. Honestly, if Ayumu hadn't gotten used to that when he lived at her inn, he'd be having the same reaction right now.

Ayumu: "Miss Kurumi, this is-"

Kurumi: "We may save the introductions for dinner. I am in the process of cooking it and shouldn't be away for too long. I came out here only to see what the fuss was about."

Dinner? Ayumu's stomach growls. He had that curry last night in his jail cell, but what he really wants right now is a nice dinner with everyone to celebrate moving into the mansion, and if Taeko and Yunyun are here too, then the more the merrier. However, with everyone here, Ayumu hopes they have enough...

Ayumu: "Why don't I help you? It'll get done quicker with both of us cooking." he offers.

Kurumi: "You're the master of the house. I couldn't have you helping me."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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I Can't Die, So WHY AM I HERE!? (Is This A Zombie? x KonoSuba Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now