Chapter 12: Reun- WHY DOES THIS HURT!?

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Ayumu: "W-WHAT!? HOW!?"

At the gates of Axel stand Ayumu's friends from his world, Eu, Haruna, Sera, Saras, Tomonori, and Kyoko. He can't believe his eyes. He's been trapped in this world for a few months, but the people he's been trying to get back to are standing right in front of his.

Ayumu: "Let me down!"

After seeing them, Ayumu struggles to get out of the grasp of the adventurers carrying him for his heroic defeat of the Destroyer. They oblige, doing as he asks, and let him down to run towards his friends.

Haruna: "AYUMU!" she runs happily towards him.


As they run towards each other, Ayumu opens up his arms to catch her. When they finally get close enough, Ayumu closes his eyes. With his eyes closed, he can't see what's happening. However, the next thing he feels isn't Haruna in his arms, but rather...


He's immediately punched in the stomach, causing his eyes to tighten shut further.


Following Sera's voice, he's met with a very harsh slap to the face, one deserving the name of 'Swallow Return Strike'. Haruna continues her assault on Ayumu, punching and kicking him in various places, until he can find the strength to open his eyes again.

Ayumu: "SOMEBODY HELP GET THIS CRAZY CHICK OFF ME!" he screams into the uncaring void.

Saras: "You know, we expected you to be more happy to-"


Saras gains a tick mark over being ignored after being after for help, so she takes Sera's lead and slaps him, except whereas Sera slapped him on the face, Saras...

Ayumu: "OH~"

He moans slightly from having his ass slapped so hard, something that confuses the adventurers watching. I-It wasn't out of arousal, I swear! It was surprise!

Saras: "You're my dirty darling alright. That ass of yours has gotten even more godly."

Tomonori (aka Yuki) runs up to the violent Haruna, Sera, and sexually harassing Saras, pulling the abused Ayumu away from them.

Tomonori (Yuki): "Stop! Don't you see you're hurting him!?"

A twitching Ayumu raises his hands.

Ayumu: "T-Thanks Tomonori..."

His hand brushes her bountiful chest, which causes her to...

Tomonori (Yuki): "I-I'M NOT READY FOR THAT YET!"

She pushes him away with great force, forcing him to the ground. He braced for the impact and it's a good thing he did. However, when he opens his eyes again, he doesn't see any of them, but rather, Eu standing over him, followed by her kneeling down. He expects a violent treatment like what he got from the others, so he shuts his eyes once more to prepare. When violence doesn't come, he looks up and sees Eu with tears running down her face. She then collapses on top of him, causing Ayumu to feel guilty. He knows why she's crying and why the others were so rough with him. It's because he left her and them. But...

Ayumu: "Eu... I'm so happy you're here with me..." He looks to the rest. "I'm glad you guys are alright, that I get to see you again.

Kyoko: "Even m-"

Aqua/Megumin/Darkness: "AYUMU! What's going on!?"

Interrupted, Kyoko's innocent smile fades and a sinister one takes its place.

I Can't Die, So WHY AM I HERE!? (Is This A Zombie? x KonoSuba Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now