Chapter 8: Undead Warriors

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One of the Devil King's Generals and Dullahan, Verdia, stands before the adventurers of Axel, righteously pissed. Ayumu and his party make their way towards the front of the crowd, but stay a little further back.

Verdia: "You keep bombarding my castle!"

Ayumu: "...what?"

What is he even talking about? Ayumu doesn't even take Megumin to blow up his castle anymore. There's no way that she's still doing it.

Verdia: "That Crimson MANIAC has been blowing up my castle every day for the past week!" he points to Megumin. "I thought we settled this when I cursed that one adventurer buddy of hers, but NO! She just Explosion, Explosion!"

Ayumu looks at Megumin from behind and she turns her head away from him. He sighs and grabs the back of her neck to hold her in place so she can see what she's caused.

Ayumu: "Megumin... the fuck?"

Megumin: "I uhh..."

Verdia: "And that's another thing!" he interrupts and they turn back to him. "I am Verdia! And you shall hear me!" He cloaks himself in darkness. "Your fiery taunts offend me, but there is something else! None of you have come seeking retribution for your ally's death! In life, I strove to be an upstanding knight! In my opinion, that boy was-"

Ayumu: "Hey man, sorry about that!"

He makes his way past everyone else to the front, putting himself in full view of Verdia. The dark aura surrounding Verdia disappears as his body flails slightly in confusion.

Verdia: "W-What!? How in the hell are you still alive!?"

Aqua: "Can you believe it?" she smugly asks. "That silly old Dullahan doesn't know I dispelled his curse! He's been sitting in his castle this whole time waiting for us!" he chuckles at his expense.

Even though she didn't need to dispel it considering Ayumu can't die, nobody but Ayumu and Aqua know that, including Verdia.

Ayumu: "I bet he sat there stewing about it like a little kid!" he fully laughs at him, holding her sides in pure joy.

Verdia: "I-I'm warning you! Stop your taunts or I will kill every single living thing in this town!"

Aqua: "Not after I get through with you!"

She holds out her hand, which glows with her Holy magic.

Verdia: "Do you honestly think the magic of a novice will-"

Aqua: "Turn Undead!"

She casts the spells, enveloping Verdia in a deep, cleansing light that makes him howl in pain. Honestly, knowing exactly how it feels to be an undead hit by Aqua's spell makes Ayumu a little sympathetic and feeling sorry for him, despite Verdia having tried to kill him.


Ayumu: "Jeez..." He sighs while Verdia's horse disappears and he's rolling on the ground in agony. "Megumin, what were you thinking blowing up his castle after he came here specifically telling you to stop and nearly killing me?"

Megumin: "I umm..." Verdia's screams echo across the field. "Casting my Explosion spell in an empty field used to be enough for me, but ever since tasting the pleasure of blowing up a castle, I've been different..." She rubs her legs together while blushing. "Now I have to unleash on something big and hard to feel satisfied..."

Ayumu: "D-Don't squirm like that, I get it, it turns you on!"

The dust clears and Verdia gets up from his tormented state.

I Can't Die, So WHY AM I HERE!? (Is This A Zombie? x KonoSuba Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now