Chapter 7: Roommates

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??? POV

I was with my roommate and we just went back from our clubs. I opened the door and I noticed that it isn't locked.

"Looks like someone is in here." I said to him with a cautious voice.

"Maybe my brother was already here?" he said while looking at his phone.

"What if he's not the one in there? He's always late so it's impossible. He always locsk the door and leaves us message if he's here or not. Also, stop using your phone for once!" I said. Seriously, this guy is either always at his phone or always at his room with his nukes.

"I was just replying to my friend. 그게 잘못이 아니에요. (I was just replying to my friend. There's nothing wrong with that.)" he calmly said.

I sighed and just entered the room. I was surprised at what I saw when I entered.

" Sunshine, what are you doing in here?" I asked her with a surprised tone.

"Woah...kuya Ruski...and kuya North?! The two of you are my roommates?" she said happily.

still Russia's POV

"Wow I didn't expect that I'd actually see you. Your brother just messaged me earlier and I just read it now." North said. "I'll just tell him about it later." he added.

"Are you two hungry? I made something...though I don't know if you'll like it." Phili said shyly.

"Sure, Sunshine. I bet it's more delicious than what we usually eat." I said.

No one's POV

The three countries entered and went to the kitchen to start eating.

"Wow, this smells good." North said while looking at the food.

"Yeah, you should really cook for us." Russia said while still chewing some food and looking at Phili.

"Ohhh that's a great idea! We will really appreciate if you can do that, Phili." North said as he scoop another cup of rice to his plate.

Phili just looked at them and smiled. "Sure, just tell me what you would like to eat...and I'll cook it for you." she said.

They smiled at her and it made her happy.


Phili's POV

We just finished eating and I saw them leaving some leftover food on the table. They saw me looking at them and said, "Oh, this one is for my brother." kuya North said. "He is also our roommate. So, there's only the four of us here. Come, I'll tell you where your room is." kuya Ruski added to what kuya North said.

"Salamat. (Thank you.)" I said to him.

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