Chapter 9: Break Time

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Japan's POV

"So she's really in here...and also my classmate. I should help her get used here. Maybe, I can ask her if... she's still my friend..." I quietly said to myself.


A few hours already passed and our first and second subjects are already done, it's our break time already.

I saw Phili left with her friends. I guess their going to buy some snacks. Maybe I should also go too. Wait, no. Maybe, not. She might think that I'm following her. Well...I did stare at her for the past hours. I'm just curious though. I want to talk to her.

"Ok. I'll go. But it will be just quick." I said to myself to ensure that my decision will be alright.

I went to the canteen and bought some bread and juice. I saw them seating on one of the benches and talking about something. They seem to be talking about something funny because Phili also laughs to whatever they are talking about. Too bad I can't hear them.

"Wait...what am I thinking?! I'm not a stalker. I'm just... curious. That's it. Just. Curious. Nothing else." I whispered to myself.

"Hey! What are you talking about? And are you starting at her? Do you like-"

I was startled that someone suddenly spoke at my side. Luckily I immediately covered her mouth before she finished what she's about to say.

"Shhh...don't be so loud." I said to her and looked around me to check if someone heard her. I guess no one, not even Phili and her friends. That made me nervous.

" you like her?" my sister, Nekomi, teasingly said to me.

"Like? Who? And could you at least lower down your voice?" I said to her.

"Obviously, the girl you're staring earlier. Who is she, by the way-" she said as she looked and recognized her.

"'s her. The one from before. Right?" she said to me, she seems happy to see her again.

"Yeah, we used to be...friends, remember? Back when everything is still fine." I sadly said.

"Yeah. すみません、兄弟. (Yeah. Sorry about that, brother.)" she replied. "Want to ask her if know...forgave us? I also regret what happened back then." she sadly added.

"Yeah. Me too." I replied.

Indo's POV

"Hey, is it just me or Japan is starting at us? I can't remember doing something bad to him." I curiously asked them.

"Yeah, I also noticed that. But I guess it's not us, that he's starting at. It's just Phili." Malay said as he looked at Phili.

"Come on. He's not like that. Maybe he wants something to tell, or something." Phili calmly said. "I'll just ask him later." she added.

"Ok. Ohhh by the way, the lesson earlier was so hard. I don't even know what is happening." I said to them.

"Of course you won't know what's happening in the lesson!! You. Are. Sleeping. Earlier." Malay sarcastically said to me.

"What no I'm not! Right Phili?" I argued.

She just laughed and said, "Yes you are! Sir Britain was totally just ignoring you earlier. I won't be surprised if Uncle Asean will give you extra works because of that!"

"Don't laugh at me!! And also don't say that! What if he actually give me extra works?! I don't want that." I stubbornly said but it just made them laugh even more.

"Right! Our next subject will be... history, right? Oh no." Malay nervously said.

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"I forget my book..." he said.

"It's fine. You can borrow mine." Phili said.

"Break time is over, let's go back to the classroom." I said.


Phili's POV

We are going back to our classroom, then suddenly, someone called me. I looked back to saw who called me, and it was Japan and his younger sister, Nekomi.

"Phili..." he said.

"Do you have time later? We..." he said. "...we just want to say something." his sister continued.

"Sure what is it?" I curiously asked.

"We'll tell you later. Please go to the back of the school building later after class." they said nervously.

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