Chapter 18: Let's See

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Martial's POV

North and I are on his private plane, to go to his place, because 'he needs to check something there'. What is it? I don't know.

I noticed that he looks worried as he is scrolling in his phone, so, I decided to ask, "Oi, what are you doing? Why are you still on your phone by the way?"

"Martial, we have a problem..." he replied.

"Problem? About what?" I worriedly asked, but to be honest, I feel like it has to do something with my sister. I don't know why I felt like that but maybe because she's my sibling, that's why.

"About your sister, you know about their date right? Something happened and she's with Spain and China now."

"No need to worry, Russia is there with her right. He'll protect her. I'm sure of that." I proudly said. But deep inside, I'm also really worried.

"Yeah, they are together. Nothing will happen to them." he replied.

"By the way, how did you know what's happening?" I curiously asked.

"Ohh, Phili's friends are following them and they are messaging me. I believe their names are...Indo and Malay." he replied as he showed me his phone.

"Oh those two. Yeah, you can trust them, they're good." I said. "I didn't know that you guys are close enough to give your number." I added.

"Nope. Not at all. All I want is some updates. You know that I don't give my number to people I don't really want to associate with, right?" he said. "And I the only people that knows it is my brother,. Russia, and obviously, you and your family. Because I think we are that close...right?" he added as he looked at me.

I stared at him and said, "Of course, what friends are for, right? You can count on me, always."

~back to the 'date'~


Phili's POV

"Kuya Ruski...why are they here?" I whispered to Kuya Ruski.

"I also don't know, Sunshine." he replied.

"Don't worry, it's not like we're gonna 'interrupt' you two. We just want to spend time you also. Is it alright?" China said with a smirk on his face.

"What if we don't want to?" Kuya Ruski said.

"We are not asking you, we are asking Phili, you know." Spain shrugged. "Well, what you say? The more the merrier, right~?" he added.

I don't know what to say. Personally, I just want it to be both of us, because that's what it supposed to be. I looked at Kuya Ruski and he looked very annoyed. I should really decline them.

"Sorry, China and Spain, but I already promised to be with Kuya Ruski. Maybe we could just hang out in other day." I suggested.

"Then what about we just do it now? You guys aren't doing anything. We could just-" China said but was interrupted. "-both of you could just leave. We are busy." Kuya Ruski said.

We walked away from them and went somewhere else. I looked back and saw that they were still talking to each other.

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