Chapter 17: Trouble

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Spain's POV

"See~ I told you this will be fun. Look they are actually here." China playfully said.

"So this is what you're talking about that time, huh? Well I'm surprised that she's here, but...why are the two of them together." I calmly said but failed because...IT. IS. ANNOYING.

Well...why am I annoyed in the first place?
Maybe because...

First, I was dragged out of nowhere. I'm chilling in my bed. And I was dragged here to the mall just to see this.

Second, China, my roommate, is currently sticking to me as if we are close. I don't like that.

And lastly, this is what see...

"Come on now...we should do something, don't you think?" he said.

"It's true that I like her-" I said. "No, let me rephrase that, I love her and I want her to be mine. All mine. But that doesn't mean that I would want to hurt her. Not again." I said as I looked at her at the distance.

"Same. But I would do anything to get her unlike you. So if your not gonna do something...then don't stop me." he said with a serious tone.

"Like I'm going to let you do that. I told you right? She's all mine. I'll take her and make her mine once again." I replied as I give him a scary look.


We decided to follow them for awhile and wait for an opportunity. But looks like Russia saw us.

"He saw us. What will we do?" I asked China.

"We are not doing anything wrong, so why are you nervous for~?" he said as if all of this was a joke.

"No I'm not, it's just-" I said but got interrupted by someone. I looked and saw that Russia is standing behind me.

"Привет. (Hello.)" he said.

"What? You need something?" I calmly said.

What the hell?! All he said was just a one word but why does it feel like he's gonna kill me? Did he heard our conversation earlier?

"Hey, Russie~ where is she?" China suddenly said playfully.

"First, what do you need from her? Second, don't bother us. And third, don't call me like that, it's disgusting." he replied.

"Well, sure ok I won't call you like that, Russia. But where is Phili?" China said with a serious tone.

"This guy...he just went from his playful self to a serious one...We'll get into trouble, sooner or later.*sigh*" I thought.

"Seriously, DON'T BOTHER us!" Russia said as he clearly emphasized to some words.

"As if we're gonna let you have fun with her, without us. Right Spain?" China said as he looked at me.

"Of course, I want to have fun as well. So don't forget about me." I replied to them as I give a smirk.

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