Chapter 19: Don't Worry

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Nekomi's POV

"Hey did you saw that?" Belarus said.

"I know that you want to follow your brother, but why am I doing it also? I just want to go shopping." I replied with a annoyed tone.

"Of course, I need someone to stop me if I have done something...not appropriate." she said as she still looks at them.

A little while, we approached China and Spain, we heard them talking about following Russia and Phili.

"Hold it right there! Если не хочешь неприятностей, просто уходи! (If you don't want trouble then just go away!)"

I was so surprised that Bela actually jumped in front of them and stopped them. I immediately approached them and prepared myself of what might happen next. Because Bela looks really scary right now, and she'll do anything for the sake of her brother.

"申し訳ありませんが、彼女の言うことをしていただけませんか。(Sorry, but can you just do what she say.) I will really get in trouble if bad things happen." I said. Well, it is true, I will really get in trouble because my brother will scold me if he know about this...and I don't want to be scolded for 1 hour, no thanks.

"What? We are just talking here. I don't know what your problem is-" Spain said but was interrupted by Bela. If looks could kill, they will be dead now.

"Yeah sorry we'll go back to our dorm now." Spain said while hurriedly dragging China's arm and going away.

"Are they gone now?" I asked. "Yeah." Bela replied.

"I can't believe that actually worked." she added as she laughed.

I just laughed with her and said, "Yeah, me too. You should have saw their faces, they looked soooo scared. Too bad I didn't take a photo."

"Well I took one." she said as she took her phone and let me see the photo she had taken. "These will be good enough to be used to blackmail them." she added with an evil grin in her face as she sends the photos to her older brother.


Russia's POV

"What the blya-" I suddenly said as I almost spit out the drink that I'm drinking.

"What is it? Is it too hot?" Sunshine asked as she tilted her head. 'So cute.' I thought.

"Nothing it's just my sister. Oh right it's getting dark already, they might be all worried now. Would you rather go back to the dorm already or should we continue to our last destination?" I asked, but I'm hoping she will choose the second option.

"Last destination? Sure why not?! But're right. They might be worried, let's just go back." she sadly said.

"...ok, Sunshine." I replied.

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