Chapter 16: Movie

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Russia's POV

She's so cute. She must be really that excited for the movie. Good thing I already checked what movies they have.

"What do like? Looks like there is...comedy, romance, drama and horror." I suggested.

"Wow, so many options. I don't know what to choose." she disappointedly said.

"It's fine. How about we just choose whatever is popular there?" I asked.

"Sure. Let's do that!" she exclaimed. "Looks like the line for that one is longer than the others. Let's watch that." she added.

"Sure. Good thing I already bought some popcorn and drinks earlier." I said.

Phili's POV

The line is long...that means that I can wait longer with him here. To be honest, I don't even what movie is we lining up for...I just randomly chosen this one.


"Finally, we go watch it already. It took us some time, but I wonder if it's-" I said but got distracted as I looked at him. "...w-worth i-t..." I shyly said.

What in the world...I can't believe that I got distracted to him...why is he just staring at me in the first place though.

"Looks like this movie is romance, huh?" he said as he eats more popcorn.

"Yeah...sorry, I just picked randomly. You don't like romance?" I asked.

"Not really a fan, but if you like it, I might like it." he said as he looked at me with a genuine smile.

"I don't particularly like watching romance alone though... because it reminds me that I'm single...and alone in life." I complained and pouted.

He laughed softly and said, "Well, you have me, so no need to be alone, right?"

What...? And...why is my heart beating so fast? Because of the movie?

I didn't replied and just looked down...again... because I think that I blushing again.

Russia's POV

She's looking down again, but I saw it... she's blushing, so that means that I might have a chance to her.

Good job, Ruski. You deserve some vodka later.


"That movie is good, what do you think?" I curiously asked.

"Yeah, it's so good. I can really relate to the main character. Why does he have to leave his partner? That's so sad." she said as she sobs a little.

"It's fine, Sunshine. If we were the characters there, I would never leave you. I'll protect you unlike the male character there. I'll make to make you happy. And you'll be safe with me-" I said.

Wait...what the blyat? Did I just...confessed? Nooo...too early. She might hate me for that.

"Um...I mean I"ll still do that cause your special." I added.

Blyat...I hate my mouth...why am I confessing so suddenly in here? Is this even counted as a confession?

As I was contemplating about my life, I heard a familiar voice. I looked back and saw Spain and China.

"And what in the world are they doing in here?" I thought.

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